love is a drug, causes withdrawal symptoms. refer to: addicted- kelly clarkson.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,6:22 PM
jazz band and concert band played today for the mini concert we had over every school break today. For once i couldn't help feeling as though the classes passed really quickly.
Mr moore's rendition of 'let me entertain you' is still stuck in my head. the way he bawled it out and belted the song was like, 'whoa' - he was super loud.
and all this for a sneak-peek of march's concert.
had a fruitful art lesson today, now i have inspiration, and a direction to pursue to get my final outcome. It's going to be interactive, that's all i can say now. :)
and might have something to do with papier mache. so i went and googled it, and decided to review the process of producing papier-mache.
inspiration drawn from:

literally, love is
blind. Just like anger can be blind.
magritte, cornell (surrealist- assemblage)check out this article, couldn't help feeling sorry for the papier mache figures when they began to deteriorate during this
waterproofing experiment.

i'll put it this way: you gain affinity with
things you name. like imaginary friends, for example.
neville no-neck, brian bushy-beard, mad major, flora floosie.
oh, and good luck to the SEAMAC people.
SYAZ and
we're rooting for you guys.Labels: art, school