Don't just sit there and say nothing. Leave a message. it appears the links do work :D but i'll leave the quicklink to the cbox here.
why red shoes? It was a ballet. A story but Hans Christian Andersen (don't tell me you don't know him).
It was a story of a girl who wore a pair of red shoes that refused to come off. It made her dance all night and day.
RANDOM-STUFF guilty of blog-surfing.
love this record But I can't see straight anymore. life is a maze, love is a riddle.
la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
Got back from the ‘retreat’ yesterday, I put it in inverted commas because this was more of a mega sleepover time, rather than a proper restful retreat. All three night were spent sleeping at unearthly hours, then waking up at 6 or 7am.
The first day was fantastic, we finished pretty early after a rather frustrating game. I was leader in my group (to my utter shock and horror) and was to lead a bunch of people, mostly older than me or around the same age- and people who were probably more spiritually mature, but anyway… The game we played involved us going around the entire room looking for pieces of a puzzle. Each group had different puzzles to complete, each puzzle had nine pieces in all. So we went around the entire room and only found three pieces to our frustration. It turned out later that another group had found six of our pieces, so with them finding a greater proportion of pieces, the puzzle was ‘theirs.’
We stayed in this longhouse place, with thin walls and echoing corridors. Just walking alone could cause a racket. Imagine the little kids laughing and running down the corridors, or even worse, us teenagers having a running competition at the dead of the night? Not my fault. Someone said ‘race you to the other end of the corridor’ and when we all started running, naturally we screamed. :D
The first night was spent laughing at odd things with my roommates Joyee, Karis and WengJin, the second was spent watching La Corda on Wengjin’s DVD player, and the third was spent playing murderer. The most frustrating thing on the last night was that in all the games we played that night, never once was I the murderer, no matter how much I wanted to be one. Imagine winking and killing people, thwarting the ‘police.’
It’s a fun game to play- you can stare at people and wink at them randomly.It’s funny when you see the murderer winking, and you are the ‘citizen’ and can’t do anything about it.During every first few minutes of the game Lys always started laughing first, passing on contagious laughter onto other people. I think she probably discovered who the murderer was. Another thing why this game is so fun- you get to watch people, how they react to being the murderer.
Alyssa would be more talkative and try say things to suggest she wasn’t the murderer, Karis would start getting restless, Ella would start leaning forward to get a good look at people, and Andy would start smiling for no reason. Jared was the funniest, because when Andy, the murderer was sitting beside him in one of the games, and he got killed by Andy, he kept looking at Andy with sideward glances, almost like he was using his eyes to ‘point’ at Andy. Mayanne was the scariest murderer and the most skilled at murdering everyone before the police discovered her identity. small ambigious winks and everything. Andy was the best police, always catching the murderer's winks.
Another cool thing was this video that took everyone by storm, except Jo Yee. Even Karis was enamoured when she watched the video. This is what the video is about- we’ll give them names to make them easier to identify, not NICE GUY and JEALOUS GUY and SINISTER GUY. maybe initials.
it starts off with a group of kids in 'acting school.' two little boys were running around and they broke a vase. standing in a line, they were all interrogated by their teacher, so each boy pointed and pointed till the reached the last one, a little girl who didn't say anything. one of the older boys who weren't one of the accusing ones decided to take the blame, so the little girl and him(NG) became friends. then along came this other little boy who seems jealous (JG) teased NG, so he decided to let him into their circle of friends.
Next scene, they are all grown up. both guys, the darker haired one is (JG) and the brown haired one is (NG) both pick jade keyrings for her, then (JG) goes over and asks her which one she likes better. she picks unwittingly, the one NG picked for her.
The three of them now act in Chinese Operas. the girl and NG are in a scene where NG pretend-stabs JG. JG pretends that he cannot get up, causing one of the guys there to get fired for their messing around. this guy (SG) later comes to get his revenge on JG. He replaces the spear head with a real one. later he walks through the rooms and gets spotted by the girl. he manages to get JG stabbed on the real night of the performance, and the girl notices him walking away satisfied, thinking that JG would die, but he lives. JG thinks that NG delibrately did that to hurt him, so he goes to look for NG. in the meantime, NG and the girl are living in seclusion, but the girl feels guilty about JG. while JG goes to look for NG, they show SG going to 'finish him off.' and guess what happens. watch the second video. one last thing, NG is too nice.
(if you're lazy to watch the second vid, i might post the spoiler in some other post.) Video here:
it's a super video, very touching.
and now for the rest of the multimedia. the photos. (editt:) maan and hannah at tea time mayanne, sharron, adeline and maria. dinner time at the main building, by the lake. ELLA :D Joyee playing with her food. uncle chai. this is not a candid. it is not distorted either, done to the request of the subject. wengjin. dorothea. candids and non-candids. At tea-time. unidentified flowers with nice shades of colour on them. a hamster. and another hamster.
ate a lot this trip, slept very little, did very little as well, brought things to study, and never got round to doing anything. so back to homework again. physics and geography.
music makes you lose control; this time it should be automatic
Thursday, March 13, 2008,8:04 PM
not meaning to rub salt into any wounds, but YAY GREEN WON! this seems to have been the most tense house competition ever, you could literally feel the tenseness in the air. well, great competition though, amazingly vast crowd of people... quite scary, really dancing in front of all those people. tomorrow's the last day of school, then holidays.... :)
This is starting to become unbearable, only one week of school to go! This past week’s been pretty rushed, lots of practices for the music concert yesterday. The concert yesterday was fab, as soon as this boogie music started playing at the end of the show we felt so relieved that we felt like dancing! It’s the happiest I’ve felt in awhile, so relieved.
The music and everything went okay, except for one bit when Wafi tossed his hat to the back during barbershop, haha. The hairspray dance was good, very funny. The friendship video and the walkaway videos really got the crowd laughing.
Zul F was dressed in this white tuxedo, pretty daring choice of costume. The morning shows crowd was more responsive to his pointings at the crowd and going ‘aku jatuh cinta padamu,’ pretty funny, actually, all the schoolgirls started giggling because they felt special.
I had sudden inspiration today, so I decided to post a deviation. Wonder if it’s okay though, the maid caught me in the middle of the ‘photoshoot’ and said I was like a ‘hantu’ (ghost) taking a photo without taking the face! When she says or relates something to ghosts I always get shivers.
finished neil gaiman's neverwhere. only one more of his books to go that i haven't read. have to check best eastern for it, it's anasi's boys.
and a little review: richard mayhew is a doormat, allowing everyone to step all over him. but when he encounters an alternative world below london (literally, LONDON BELOW) he begins to learn how to stand-up for himself and endure pain, like a man. London below, ruthless, lawless, messy and dirty. there are even practiced assasins there that have such gross ways of making people suffer. makes me think that in that sort of world you are never safe unless you keep your life separate from you, or you have some sort of combat skill. neil gaiman manages to portray richard as a gutless git who literally has no courage at all, even having less than the most low of creatures in london below, imagine that. the rawness of his character and vulnerability is amazing. another brilliant book by him, just one more of his books to go before i've read everything he's published.
okay, last week of school, have to get into gear and finish off my final piece in art, or else miss R is going to be real pissed.
oh, and apparently brunei has had fiction based on it. and zul f is actually a jazz singer..?
put some new shoes on and suddenly everything's right
Saturday, March 1, 2008,7:00 PM
This weekend was spent scourging Brunei for a pathetic box for my art. I can’t believe Brunei has no such thing as a plain and pretty box with a decent cover. ALL of the ones I’ve seen so far have detached covers, or they are tacky and tiny. Can barely fit anything inside. Crazy, really. Wonder what they can use them for. Then I found one humongous one in a furniture shop, an Indonesian furniture shop. Guess what, it was a tissue-box. Big, huge, posh with carvings with a dear price. $200 dollars. Not plain, carved. Not unpolished, it was VARNISHED brownish-red.
I wonder what’s with the obsession with the song ‘you raise me up’, because I know there are two concerts playing the exact same thing. Question is, which comes first? Yup, different style too.
Look at these shoes. Love the color? same here :) a rainbow spectrum of various shoes, wedges-ballet flats- peep toe heels-stilletos.
shoes. against a white background. crisp, contrasting. no shoes in this one, but look at the shading in this one. perfect lighting, perfect shot. couldn't resist putting the last one. for one, the cat is cute, second, those sort of shoes look very familiar. :)