ps: i love you
Saturday, April 5, 2008,6:19 PM

Watched PS I love you today. It was pretty good, I could hear sobs from people at the really sweet moments. The guy was really sweet, he was IRISH. *gasp* the movie seemed to paint Irish men in good light- making them all seem tough, gruff yet affectionate and sweet. The soundtrack was good, in the pub you could hear Paolo Nutini singing ‘Rewind’ in the background.
It was funny at the same time at some bits- there was this guy who was so very direct, he said things when he felt like it- meaning he was rude, but he said it was now a SYNDROME. And there was this bit when Holly got nervous talking to this Irish guy called William, he said ‘wow it’s got much darker since I arrived’ and she said ‘yeah, it.. it gets darker at night.’
There was one bit where her single friend was going guy-hunting- she asked questions before she decided to talk to them- and if they didn't fit her requirements she would simply spin a heel and walk away. Most of her conversations began with…
• Hey, I like your… (insert object)
• I’m (insert name)
• Are you single? (if yes, proceed)
• Then are you gay? (if no, walks away, if yes proceeds)
• Are you working? (if no, walks away, if yes proceeds)
• Proceeds to kiss and check for spark or bad breath.
And the funny thing was that she asked about four guys till she got a spark, and the guy said exactly the thing she said about where all the nice guys were- ‘with the wrong girls.’
First week of school’s finally over, and I’ve finished my final piece for art :D More homework yet to come, music composition and exams. And Council Speeches.
Labels: movies