in the summertime, i fear i'm gonna lose my mind
Thursday, July 3, 2008,10:11 PM
today was the activities day. it was pretty tiring but nevertheless fun. we got teamed up with what natasha called 'the sporty guys,' she was all set on winning! :D the kayaking was fun as usual but the guys didn't trust us girls to be able to go on our own.
everyone's pretty much in a holiday mood now, we made miss perry's leaving card in english today, and miss thompson danced to 'hate that i love you.' funny. in the midst of this there was syaz reading a book about sylvia plath and bronwen taking videos, people admiring flags and mathew twisting pipe cleaners. miss perry's going to spain! she actually cried when we gave her the card. (also it had paper flowers that i made, hehe)
after that, sara's leaving party at camille's. we made ju-on into a funny movie, wei thong reading the subtitles, nurul predicting what was coming next and sara trying to make the scary noises. I've got some pictures, again. now i'm really contemplating on whether to have a facebook or not. i've totally abandoned my friendster account, it's a bore.
tomorrow's last day of school, three lessons then assembly then it's end of year ten, which is pretty quick. miss r had decided to let us have a teensy party in art tomorrow. she's leaving, so we'll end up with either miss bennett or miss stroud... not sure which one i'd prefer, the only advantage is now that art will be in T block.
also, tomorrow is the day that ling officially turns sixteen, but as she puts it, 'i've been in the world longer than all of you guys.'
today's RINA's birthday :D
and a lot of love goes out to ching who will be flying to london
alone. have fun and stay safe chingles. will miss you a ton.
this is what summer does to you:

Tanning’s bad for you!
I know it’s a risk. I wear SPF 30 all the time. But come on, it’s summer!
Labels: birthday, birthdays, random, school, trips