la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
Thursday, June 12, 2008,3:45 PM
the last exam is over :D I'm finally free to do whatever i want now.
i browsed msn just now, and i was shocked to see
this news.

This man is Manuel Uribe, the man who holds the record for heaviest man in the world- he was half a ton. now he's shed 550 pounds. This, however is not the shocking thing. the shocking thing is
he has a girlfriend. And he can't even stand on his two feet and get out of bed.
A volkswagen beetle weighs a ton. he is half a ton. no, i'm am not being sizist. Soon he's gonna hold the record for the
most weight lost. good luck to him. :D Things like this never cease to amaze me. and there was a headline awhile ago about a baby who was born twice. go search msn, it should be there.
and one more thing, this is for ching.
Twelve students from JIS with three officials from the Ministry of Culture, Youths and Sport's Culture Section attended yesterday's workshops.
The students were also accompanied by their Head of Music Paul Edgeler.

no, there are no pictures of us anywhere. phew.
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