la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
we are finally free--- tonight
Friday, May 23, 2008,10:14 PM
it's half-term now, finally. we had the yr13's farewell assembly thing today, and they sang
the great escape and threw their ties and bags and bits of paper into the air in celebration. Quite funny, actually. There was a soloist guy who sang this really jazzy piece, and camille's sister and another girl sang as well.
it's half-term yet there'll still be tons to do. Geo coursework and english essays, art coursework and revision for chem as well as physics. Big lots of work, but i'm all set with a
new book to start the entire week off. Teenvogue is not out yet, what a shame. Put three new deviations into deviantart. oh, and
Mum's birthday today. :D

contemporary japanese photography. subject: flowers
Labels: art, birthdays, holidays