la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
the interrupted hiatus.
Saturday, May 3, 2008,10:13 AM
this post is dedicated to a friend.
- hates her chinese name
- corrected my chinese
- was a big part of my early JIS-life
- was in soooo many of my classes- maths, art and ict, pe.
- discussed boys, food, countries (those ideal for living in or travelling to) and teachers during maths with me.
- was into bball.
- who could juggle dating with studying and still get top scores.
- was able to ace PMB in a few short months, got better scores than a lot of people who were there the whole year.
- could make something out of nothing. she could go to ego and pick random stuff and make it match and look pretty.
- was from labuan, and attracted AH-BENGS on the ferry :D
- speaks cantonese. (can go to hongkong and know her way around)
- who knew she wanted to do finance as a career. (above picture taken during Career Matters ASA)
- chose accounting, business and foodtech (because she loved to cook.)
i'm so mad at myself for not finding this out earlier. kinda lost contact with her when she moved back to chms. saw her in the airport when she came back from AUS. She's been in Aus since end of march. will be missed a lot.
Labels: thoughts