Don't just sit there and say nothing. Leave a message. it appears the links do work :D but i'll leave the quicklink to the cbox here.
why red shoes? It was a ballet. A story but Hans Christian Andersen (don't tell me you don't know him).
It was a story of a girl who wore a pair of red shoes that refused to come off. It made her dance all night and day.
RANDOM-STUFF guilty of blog-surfing.
love this record But I can't see straight anymore. life is a maze, love is a riddle.
la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
this is prince caspian. Ben Barnes, in Narnia. With a cool Spanish accent, which contrasted with the other accents (the dwarves had COCKNEY accents!) and made him sound really foreign :D (he learnt it from a dialect coach) he had this really romantic character, just look at the way he treated Susan, his small sweet smiles and her lame lines and him saving her from the baddies. swweeet.
I think the screenplay was brilliant. The scariest bit was when the ICE QUEEN made a litte comeback, with the hag and werewolf. creepy. And the most anxious bit was when Peter was fighting Miraz until he had him on his knees, i was whispering, 'quick, quick' because i was really scared they would finish Peter off with the crossbow one of soldiers had. The saddest was when the poor minotaur sacrificed himself to hold the gate of the castle open to allow the Narnians to retreat, and he ends up being hit by the arrows of the archers. He held it open till he died, then he fell flat and the door went smack right on top of him :(
read the wikipedia article for spoilers, if you really want to know what happens.
but i'll give a sneak preview. In Narnia, Caspian, a Telemarine Prince, is wakened by his mentor, Doctor Cornelius. Doctor Cornelius explains to Caspian that his aunt has just given birth to a son. Caspian is the rightful heir to the Narnian throne, but his father died when he was young. His uncle, Miraz, maintained rule over Narnia until Caspian was old enough, only because Miraz had no children of his own. Now that he did have a child, if he killed Caspian, he would be the sole heir to the throne and his son would be his successor.
Caspian realizes that his life is in danger, and escapes through a secret passage in a wardrobe just before some Telemarine soldiers charge into the room and fire arrows right into his bed. Dr. Cornelius gets Caspian's horse, Destrier, and gives Caspian a small package, saying not to use it except in great need. Caspian gallops away from the castle, but not before some Telemarine soldiers notice and chase after him. Caspian enters the woods to lose his chasers, since the Telemarines are afraid of The Shuddering Woods.
Here he blows the horn and summons the Pevensies, for another journey into Narnia. He unites the Narnians, and prepares to be the first Telmarine to be on the side of the Narnians and to overthrow his wicked uncle. --------------- and now for the little song that ended the entire show. regina spektor, the call.