Can't stop the rain by complaining
Saturday, August 25, 2007,12:18 PM
i'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining-------Raindrops keep falling on my head
School is coming nearer and nearer! sis says
aha this is your last weekend off school! this morning i wrapped every single one of my books half-heartedly while singing away to my new cd. Okay. i'm a bit off concentrating now and i'm just wondering how the first day of school is going to be like. Obviously i have to bring everything just in case.
in case i have pe, i must bring my pe bag. in case i get a strict teacher, i must bring everything needed to be on the safe side. it's not good to get scolded on the first day of is fun to explore new rooms around and search for different rooms again. And there are clueless new students wandering about. Back on the day when i was a new student it wasn't anything out of particular, it wasn't as bad as i imagined. Everyone said hi to me and asked me what i thought of the school. I remember getting lost while trying to get to P block for english.
oh yes, first day of school is another repitetion of my first day of school. only this time i'll have friends who'll be in the same boat. At least i know which block is which.
i went to school yesterday and saw a huge crowd around the drama room as mum was circling about looking for a parking space. Then this huge crowd began to move towards the sixth form block. aha. showing new students around the school.
I got my books in the drama room. There were blue packages on the ground and there was one with my name on.
Year 10- Rachel Wong. Year 10. I don't know why up till now it hasn't sunken into my head that i'm going to be in year 10 already. I keep calling the year 11 the year 10s and my classmates -the year 9s.
Then after that i went to miri. Came back at nine, there was a heavy downpour and there were a lot of jams along the way, especially down seria. Then sis slept around the tutong stretch to the highway in muara and i took pictures of her sleeping with her mouth open on mum's mobile.
There was a really bad accident around the highway- the muara stretch and there was a car sort-of wrapped around the tree. Many people parked their cars and got off to look as though it was some road-side
pasar malam thing. I hope the person is alright. The car seemed like a proton.
Okay. Moooviing on to happier things. I'm happy i've got books to read now, i'm a little nervous about the first day of school. So. I end this mega-long post with pictures of hybrid dogs. (no kidding.)

Schnauzer + Poodle = Schnoodle

Cocker Spaniel + Poodle = Cockapoo

Pomeranian + Chihuahua = Pomchi
(This breed is to my taste, i like small cute puppies like these!)Boston Terrier + Pug = Bug

Labradors + Poodles= Labradoodles

and they have goldendoodles as well, golden retrievers and poodle crosses.

links found off msn A-list, found with windows live search, pictures are not mine. From various websites. off to eat lunch now.
Labels: cute animals, holidays, thoughts