la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
the carnival
Sunday, October 28, 2007,11:58 AM

Round and round
Has got you under its spell
Moving so fast
But going nowhere

So when will this end
it goes on and on
Over and over and over again
Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop
Till I step down from this for good

Up and down
The ferris wheel
Tell me how does it feel
To be so high
Looking down here
Is it lonely? Lonely?

did the clown
make you smile
he was only your fool for awhile
but now, he's gone back home
and left you wandering there

extracts from songs on carnivals. idyllic places, they seem to be. they evoke a feeling of peace. I've often wondered how'd it be like to go visit one. i'd love to visit a proper one.
selected artists from deviantart and their works.i think i've got to go study now. enough of norah jones.
Labels: art, music, random, thoughts