Tuesday, April 29, 2008,5:16 PM
bogged down by work. but i blogged anyway. more procastination. :D
i've got my EXAM TIMETABLES, eeekk! fortunately no art exams. for music we have to do composition, but because someone complained now we have to do theory as well, just when i thought i didn't have to study for music.
what's more is it's THREE exams on the first day, and the night before i have this concert thing. So i gotta juggle homework and rehearsals and revison... not fun. i'll probably go on a teeny hiatus thing. i've never been able to do this, but we'll see how i fare with keeping myself off blogspot. :D
Labels: school
it's a passing whim, nothing but a dream;
Thursday, April 24, 2008,7:33 PM

my choice destination.
i wonder if it
is what i think it

Labels: travel
bukit shahbandar and midwich cuckoos
Thursday, April 17, 2008,8:48 PM
midwich cuckoos was good, it would be a shame if you didn't watch it :D
(SPOILER!) the eyes were creepy, the staring was creepy and the smartness of the alien kids were just freaky. I mean, those kids could kill just with stares, make people do things their way by staring at them and freak people out. how many times have we hoped that just through staring we could kill/cause people to go nuts? morbid.
even mr flynn said he couldn't sleep so well after that. haha.
next week is earth week. no inspiration for any photography regarding this topic, will have to wait and see. now, for some photos. today we went to bukit shahbandar for geography coursework.

drank coconut juice, but not sustainable because the containers are plastic, use of resources- oil! to create plastic.

this is the menu. somehow found it rather quaint.

there was a playground and maze thing we went to. went in despite the sign saying '12 and below.' (and we're fifteen. haha. can you see the guys in the background?)
camille, feeling oh-so-happy.

camille and ching on the see-saw.
the macro of the day: the acacia seeds. non-sustainable, and invasive or feral species. survives fires while other species of plants don't, so they are invading into the bruneian rainforests. (sounds alien-ish- 'invade')

californian pine trees. unsustainable again. the pine needles make the ground so very acidic that nothing else can grow.
pictures edited in photoshop. still haven't decided the focus of my project yet. one more day of school. results of council come out tomorrow.
Labels: happenings, school
born to rock.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008,4:11 PM
stumbled upon these fancy guitars while researching on an artist.

Misery Under Gold."It's about wealth and poverty. It's about London. At one end of a street there are Ferraris, at the other end people have nothing to eat." 

Fish out of Water

Electric Circus.

Cubist Cool
ADAM HARGREAVES!! :Dmr happy and little miss sunshine

Songs I Love

Images from borntorock.tvLabels: art, music, random
student council speeches
Thursday, April 10, 2008,6:56 PM
i've been mistakenly put in the red house voting sheet. I'm starting to wonder if i can just spontaneously go join red just like that, and not be discovered. It's not too late to change, hehe. Anyway, i heard that some guys prank-voted for me when i wasn't there. I wonder if those votes count? Nurul says it's biased, some people would probably not bother to put me into their voting sheet, so in the process not vote for me at all. I agree.
This speech must have been one of worst i've delivered, i forgot to look at Ching, and I didn't put my cue-cards on the table, so i ended up shaking like a leaf. I didn't promise anything i could achieve, but I hope the message got through anyway.
for art we're doing self-identity, but it sucks now because you can't pick your own portrait artists, and the ones Miss chose have the pontillism idea going on, not very nice to recreate a direct copy from that. looking forward to the weekends. and tomorrow's D.E.A.R. event, DROP EVERYTHING AND READ. :DLabels: art, school
ps: i love you
Saturday, April 5, 2008,6:19 PM

Watched PS I love you today. It was pretty good, I could hear sobs from people at the really sweet moments. The guy was really sweet, he was IRISH. *gasp* the movie seemed to paint Irish men in good light- making them all seem tough, gruff yet affectionate and sweet. The soundtrack was good, in the pub you could hear Paolo Nutini singing ‘Rewind’ in the background.
It was funny at the same time at some bits- there was this guy who was so very direct, he said things when he felt like it- meaning he was rude, but he said it was now a SYNDROME. And there was this bit when Holly got nervous talking to this Irish guy called William, he said ‘wow it’s got much darker since I arrived’ and she said ‘yeah, it.. it gets darker at night.’
There was one bit where her single friend was going guy-hunting- she asked questions before she decided to talk to them- and if they didn't fit her requirements she would simply spin a heel and walk away. Most of her conversations began with…
• Hey, I like your… (insert object)
• I’m (insert name)
• Are you single? (if yes, proceed)
• Then are you gay? (if no, walks away, if yes proceeds)
• Are you working? (if no, walks away, if yes proceeds)
• Proceeds to kiss and check for spark or bad breath.
And the funny thing was that she asked about four guys till she got a spark, and the guy said exactly the thing she said about where all the nice guys were- ‘with the wrong girls.’
First week of school’s finally over, and I’ve finished my final piece for art :D More homework yet to come, music composition and exams. And Council Speeches.Labels: movies
april fool's.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008,4:53 PM
Syaz and I were hoping Miss R would be in a good mood today, but GUESS WHAT we had a TEST. an art history test, where we had ten questions to be done in ten minutes, which accounted for 10 percent of our grade-she said all the other art classes had done it. She kept saying, 'don't panic!' and Qiyah even looked at her artbook to check the spelling of 'Archimboldo Guiseppe.' And it turned out to be a simple spelling test. spell- paint, texture, composition, elements, media. then when it ended, she repeated it again, then she said APRIL FOOL'S!
Then the whole class burst out laughing, you could literally feel the tension ease... yuck, didn't know she had a sense of humour. I can't believe i got tricked by her, of all people, her. She sort of kick-started the April fool's thing today... after a long English lesson about Hardy- quiet (causing sleepiness) yet remotely interesting.
Term 3 has started, and we have two new kids, another Mohammad and Maria's best buddy Ollie. We're doing football this term, had PE today. only problem was that we didn't play a proper game- with an entire field and enough people and stuff. Camille is back from PERTH now :D Ling now back from MELBOURNE with a lot of candy. somehow i feel happy that this new term's started, but it's also the start of all the exams. I like term one's best. :D
I logged into deviantart and everyone has this icon:
so-i--herd-u-liek- MUDKIPS?? mudkip is actually a starter pokemon from pokemon ruby and sapphire and emerald. :D
CHING IS GETTING AN SLR!!Labels: random, school