la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
it's raining
Friday, October 24, 2008,10:40 AM
the weather here has been... unpredictable. I was anticipating that it'd be pretty cold, because last summer when we came down here it was really-really cold, and they called it late summer, i.e. still spring. But now it's spring and yet the weather has been bright and sunny when the weather people predicted there would be rain. Over the past week the weather has deteriorated, though. Only yesterday then i decided i had to take photos for art, and boy did they turn out really disgusting and quite bland. (compare that with my latest deviations on deviantart, those were taken on the first day.) And today, the rain they were expecting just came(as i'm am typing this blog post, stray bits of rain are falling on my aunt's front lawn.)
but anyway. why am I ranting about the weather? I'm bored, seriously, I am. I've got so much to do though! I haven't geared up for school yet. My composition is half-way done, I left the rest of it in a pendrive at home! The only thing I've done is literally study for bio and read three books that my aunt recommended. I've read,
Remember me? by Sophie Kinsella,
Unpolished Gem by Alice Pung and
Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea. All great books. I can't be bothered to review now, though. Ask me if you're really wondering and I'll just tell you.
Today is actually my last whole day spent in Australia. Just one more sleep and I'll be back to the hot and humid Brunei!
Okay, back to art.------------Whoa i just realised that I haven't blogged about my birthday! Basically it was one birthday I'd remember for ages as it was both sweet and very embarassing at the same time! In tutor, I told Lorena that I was turning sixteen, she went hOMG and told Nestor. Then in turn, both of them informed every single person in tutor that it was my birthday, and they weren't allowed to pass unless they had said happy birthday to me first! hahaha :D Later the Nurul got this party hat and made me wear it during maths, but I didn't. This was a decision I regretted later because they made me wear it on my head to the canteen, where random people stopped me and asked if it was my birthday! (embarassing!) On the way to tutor, Alexia delibrately mentioned in front of everyone who passed that it was my birthday today! Mr Lopez threatened to tell everyone in class that it was my birthday, if i didn't 'scream' but unfortunately everyone ALREADY knew. :) But i got through it though, never in my whole sixteen years have that many people known that it was my birthday! Thanks guys. :)Labels: holidays, thoughts