la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
reading: the wild sheep chase, haruki murakami
listening to: you owe me an iou,
hot hot heat
events: art and design tech exhibition at empire. PROM!
written on the subway walls
Wednesday, December 3, 2008,9:28 PM
Today we were class marking the biology test, and this was one of the answers this person wrote down.
What is the substance in the red blood cells that carries the oxygen?
It's only two days more till December break. Today, I managed to get mum to bring me out to take photos, so we went to Jubilee Park, near St. Andrews School. It's pretty boring, actually, unless you focus on the nice clouds in the sky for your photos. In the distance, you can actually see the mosque near Kiarong.

Math's coursework's waiting for me, and the first draft is due this Friday, so I'm going to stop procastinating.
Labels: funnies, school