最近世界有点奇怪, 好像缺了一块
Tuesday, October 30, 2007,8:38 PM
wang lee hom, 'unfinished melody'
a very nice song. like the accompaniment. =)
Labels: music
& now the stage's all set for the play
Monday, October 29, 2007,8:35 PM

As each day rolls on, the more i'm wishing for another holiday to get a way from all this. This isn't exactly the best approach to solving piles of homework, but it is of course the easiest. If only there were more hours in a single day, more time to do things. Ever had the feeling that there is so much to do?
travel. Travel to a place with completely different culture.
languages. learning a completely new exotic language.
like a
new skill. canoeing, kayaking, skiing, ice-skating. sports that we are unable to do here.
books, art, photography. opening doors to other places beyond our imagination and through the eyes of someone else, an artist or writer who views the world in a different way.
sorry, i'm not exactly hitting the point, am i? okay, the fact is that i'm feeling tired. everything is snowballing into a big catastrophe, waiting to happen. prior to this, i was in ignorance of a lot of things, but i'm beginning to realise there's lots more to be experienced out there. And, i
haven't experienced it all yet.
to go out armed with a single camera to capture the world on polaroid. how blissful.
oh, and to fill the pages of a diary with travels. to own an actual
travel journal.
summer, can't wait till it comes. but the exams are round the corner, better get back to it and
those piles of homework.

Labels: random
the carnival
Sunday, October 28, 2007,11:58 AM

Round and round
Has got you under its spell
Moving so fast
But going nowhere

So when will this end
it goes on and on
Over and over and over again
Keep spinning around I know that it won't stop
Till I step down from this for good

Up and down
The ferris wheel
Tell me how does it feel
To be so high
Looking down here
Is it lonely? Lonely?

did the clown
make you smile
he was only your fool for awhile
but now, he's gone back home
and left you wandering there

extracts from songs on carnivals. idyllic places, they seem to be. they evoke a feeling of peace. I've often wondered how'd it be like to go visit one. i'd love to visit a proper one.
selected artists from deviantart and their works.i think i've got to go study now. enough of norah jones.
Labels: art, music, random, thoughts
Tuesday, October 23, 2007,12:45 PM
I just got back from singapore on Sunday midnight, aka Monday morning. The wee hours of the morning. Shall post the images some other time, when time permits.
Oh, and I’m not a skiver, I’m sick- down with flu due to a late night. I’ve got a hyper-sensitive nose, the least smell of anything makes me sneeze- causing a bloked nose. An irritated throat too. Sucks, I hate being sick…Slept early, woke up slightly cranky. Been doing more art homework, have to study for the chemistry test tomorrow. Was doing research on the internet and decided to look at my friendster—
Then I discovered a gazillion happy b’day comments- a whole about 2 pages from various people- both late and early. I haven’t told anyone how my b’day night went, so I’ll spill.
Not exactly the most glamourous venue but, I spent it at my GRANDMOTHER’S HOUSE. With my cousins and aunties and uncles. I got a cake, a chocolate ice-cream cake, for some reason not exactly the ideal cake I had in mind- soggy and all brown. Nevertheless the chocolate was great. Grandma got a fruit cake or something from the Sheraton. Sounds great and all, but my cake was finished first.
None of my cousins knew it was my b’day until that day. Maybe I should look for that picture of me and my grandma. Oh yeah, and this is to explain why our bdays fell on the first day. Thursday I was going to spore and her bday, on the Chinese calendar fell on thurs 18th of October. So we ended up celebrating it on the same day.
Okay. Now to Singapore. Note that I haven’t been there for over… gulp* 7 years or more? Haha I admit I’m trying to make it seem less drastic, but it sure is true. So this is what I noticed about the people of Singapore.
1) Those around orchard are far trendier. The teenagers and couples and businesspeople hang around this area
2) Singaporean ladies’ choice in clothes. Miniskirts, shorts and a top. Shoes preferably ballet flats for casual wear, extreme high heels when at work. Patent shoes, either red or black, sharp tipped-crocodile style.
3) There is singlish. It exists. Like yellow being pronounced as lellooww
4) It is a forever-busy place.
To summarise this, we spent the whole day shopping, for other items on the shopping list other than clothes, mostly things like metronomes, watches… books =)
Kinokuniya is huge, the photography section is amazing. Borders resembles a library. Could spend the entire day there…
in singapore- so busy shopping till we forgot to eat. Lunch was at about 2-3pm, dinner at 9pm+ then we went back to the hotel- and showered and watched some funny Taiwanese idol thing, till 12. There was no sleeping in at all… breakfast ended at 10, so there was a mad rush downstairs. There were a lot of Indonesian tourists around as well.
Okay. Off to do the thanking-the-people-for-their-bday-comments thing in friendster.
PS: I recommend a sushi place called ‘Koh’s Sushi and Grill’ at ‘food paradise’ in wisma atria. And ‘din tai fung’ for the ‘xiao long pao.’
PPS: big thanks for the presents I got yesterday in school =) thanks to ching-o and Camille, weiwen and ALEXIA the xiao cha bo =)
Labels: birthday, shopping, travel
My Birthday Post
Wednesday, October 17, 2007,1:12 PM
this is the first post of the week.
i'm on holiday now! =)
and the days have been passing monotonously. but i enjoy holidays.
because: when you're busy you have nothing to do, when you're free there's tons to do.
something to that effect. haha.
and so. today is my birthday and i majorly overslept. then i got woken up by my sister who said 'good afternoon, jie' and i didn't think much of it, thought it was one of her twisting-the-facts pranks. but it was 12 already. the maid came up and told me so.. i hurried downstairs and had an early lunch, no breakfast.
switched on the computer and;
got an email from rosie. cool song by regina spektor, and a bubblegummer viideo'no one could replace you'
a little bday poem from ling. it rhymes =)
Ray Ray,
Happy Birthday,
What u gonna wish for?
On ur special day.
to which i answered 'don't know'. such an anti-climax answer. a wet blanket answer...
a journal saying happy birthday to rachel from ching-o on deviantart
and several comments from people on friendster saying happy birthday. =)
smses from others: maria, karis, alexia, aunty karen, ching, camille, nurul!
heart you all =) thanks for the greetings!Labels: birthday
Saturday, October 13, 2007,4:23 PM
Those of you who have read the book 'Angels and Demons' should know what an ambigram is. I have here a
link that will bring you to an ambigram generator, try it out! :)
it's holidays now, i've got to go work on art hw. today's the first day of hari raya aidilfitri. anyone gone visiting yet? ;)
Labels: random
Barbara Kruger and Stephane
Wednesday, October 10, 2007,10:41 PM

Above are artworks known as 'Happy Paintings by an artist known as Stef. He was born in Paris, France and is currently in Cambodia.

Next is an artist known as Barbara Kruger who we saw in art today. Her artworks protest with clever slogans on various issues. very innovative.
The week's been okay so far. Had a maths test today. Nurul has gone off to s'pore for hari raya. Swimming again tomorrow for pe. Duke of edinburgh on, probably something to do with first aid.
Labels: art, school
stina persson
Sunday, October 7, 2007,11:29 AM
it's the weekend again. This time I'm bogged down by aerodynamics and evolution. Little projects and homework.
Aerodynamics is the science dealing with the flow of air. It also deals with the movements of bodies through air. Aerodynamic laws are governed by Newton's laws of motions. These laws are that a body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force, a body at rest stays in rest unless acted upon by another force, and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
newton, the guy who was hit on the head with an apple.
below, art. stencilling? watercolor?

her art is lovely because she uses many colours and interesting subjects. She uses different intensities of colour to create shading and contrast. lovely.
scented candles. i discovered i like fruity smells. above- raspberry cream, wild cherry, sweet strawberry. french vanilla, fresh cut roses, sweet melon. in my opinion, i think the strawberry and melon ones smell the best.
PS: glad you enjoy neil gaiman, nurul. there are some questionable bits though =) otherwise a good read.
Labels: art
her knight in sweaty armour
Thursday, October 4, 2007,8:54 PM
today we had duke of edinburgh again, and we did trekking in the jungle.
we had joan, ching, wei wen, ling, syaz and i.
joan was the blindfolded person in the beginnning.
ching was the blindfolded person in the end.
wei wen cleared the bushes for the blind person.
ling was the scout.
syaz and i were just trailing after the blind person, or i helping the blind person along. :)
so we managed, several routes after much screamings. the blind people were afraid when we mentioned spiders and beetles, and ching bumped into a little tree and screamed, later when she heard weiwen say caterpillar, she freaked out. =) and joan stepped into a puddle of muddy water, that looked a little like sewage. with a thin layer of 'oil' on top. *shudder*
the blindfolded person is the person who signifies the injured member of the group, disabled or disadvantaged one, should there be one. Some people got several grazes and cuts, and they were mostly the people who got blindfolded...
now for some pictures from last week's duke of edinburgh. episode,
'erecteeenng a tentt'

we took ages to set up our tent as we were totally clueless. we simply followed the other teams and did vaguely what they were doing. Here's how the other teams were doing.

made us feel like total idiots, but stiilll. we were an all girls team with completely no experience. now again we managed to get mr airdrie over to help. we found a knot in the tent's strings, and being a pianist, with a strict no nails policy, i had no nails and thus couldn't help. so we tried a tent peg, and later a pen.

later we found out how to use pegs as well.

and the tent was finished, after much effort. so... picture time! ching snapping away for blog posts.

i think i see a freaky monster outside. :)

oh, and ling-ling thinks she looks
so mysterious. :P
and the next bit is the hardest, we had to take down the tent and fit it all in an impossibly small bag.

wonder what we have to do
Labels: school
Serendipity is...
Monday, October 1, 2007,4:07 PM
finding your old gameboy and its equally old catridge still in good working order.
Labels: random