a sugar-sweet sixteen
Sunday, June 29, 2008,10:03 PM
ling's b'day. escapades, then swensens. it was pure
fun :D
met a whole lot of jis people again, especially in escapade.
in swensens a chinese girl tried to tell us off for being too noisy, but all we could hear of what she was saying was, ".........................shut up." did she think we'd listen to her? i really don't think so.
a lot of camera shots. but only at the end of the night did i discover the VR wasn't on. but it was okay, most blur shots were due to spazzing.

first, joan and sara in funky glasses. the next two of ling, a lot of shots i took of her were blur because she was excited and kept spazzing. "
Joan, how did you know i wanted a cookbook?"
Next, Nurul and her egyptian. then ching and the glasses. i think ching looks good in glasses, i have a older post of her in sunglasses, and she looks good there too :D

in escapade, after eating we went a-snapping.

joan and rosie. joan in her lovely
baju, and she felt
overdressed. Rosie keeping it simple with the shirt-top thing. :D

two pictures of sara, that i owe her. (with her looking like a superstar, too.)

nurul and
linguine's linguine, a present from joan.
Total ling appearances: 4
better now, ling?
happy birthday, aspiring stand-up comedian-photographer-pastry chef :D
and i think i should include a little on my friendship with ling.we had art together last year, she was one of the first friends i made in jis. Aside from that, a great hip-hop dancer who loves to criticise the way i dance, saying i dance too 'ballet-style.' I know, i can't help it, and i still can't do your 'whatsamacallit' step that you learnt through watching music videos. She's headstrong, funny, daring and doesn't give a poop of what other people think (in a good way-
independent) I can't imagine a day in school without her stand-up comedy and jokes. :D
Labels: birthday, birthdays
brunei and art
Sunday, June 22, 2008,6:11 PM
somehow i get this feeling that brunei is trying to promote
this weekend itself, there are
three exhibitions on-
'art to heart' exhibition by the
brunei art forum,
alliance francaise's ENVIROMENTALLY-FRIENDLY SPRAYPAINT artists(x3) and
JIS's annual one. They all end today.
this can be no coincidence. If you haven't heard about any of this, you might be (cross as appropriate) living under a rock, living overseas and not in brunei or have not read the local newspaper.
sorry.if you do actually read this on the day of the posting, 22nd july 2008, the exhibition by alliance francaise starts at 6pm in sheraton. go take a look. also, you might be kicking yourself for not going to the one yesterday, where they personalised items with their art for people in the mall.
PS: I watched the 3d hannah montana concert thing yesterday.
Labels: art
Helmut Newton, fashion photographer
Saturday, June 21, 2008,6:38 PM
Who? Helmut Newton, born Helmut Neustädter was a German-Australian fashion photographer.
In the 1970’s Helmut Newton came up with the idea of The Newton Machine, a specially made studio to take fashion images without the photographer being present.
“I had a photo-machine built, a camera fitted with a motor and a timer that can be adjusted by the model who can decide whether to work fast or slow. A mirror behind the camera allows the model to check the pose. Before every shot, a bell goes off, and then a strobe light flashes. The whole system is devised to heighten the tension of the modelling session and to catch the model at the peak of each pose.
Carefully I explain the system to my models. I tell them, It’s up to you to control the whole sitting, you will decide when to stop, the entire responsibility is with you. Of course the lighting has been set up and a cross where they must stand has been marked on the floor.”
Helmut Newton
Nan A. Talese, Munich, 2002
Topshop have recreated the original 70’s concept in a bespoke photographic studio in Topshop Oxford Circus, Manchester and Dublin to allow you to become the subject, stylist and photographer, all in one.
pictures. most of the info taken off wikipedia or
the topshop site.

Labels: art, random, shopping
rosie's 15th.
Sunday, June 15, 2008,8:26 PM
The party was fantabulous, except not that much of a surprise in the end. :D There were THREE PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS, haha snap-snapping away, but these are some photos. Yesterday was my first day out with my new camera.

The birthday girl, Rosie. She loves Skandar Keynes. (and so does Ling, who surrendered Skandar to Rosie for a day)

Ching and the pizzas.

went shopping with Kyung for Rosie's present, she spent a grand total of B$64 in faceshop! This is her with some of the stuff she bought, haha.
Sarah Barnes, whom i will miss a lot. I'll miss her doctor's daughter way of talking, how she's the authority of healthcare :D i'll miss her in english. I'll miss her on casual day, when she comes in platforms and towers over everybody else.

above, the family. :D Nurul's expression in the second photo is priceless.

Then came the other surprise, we blindfolded Rosie and set cupcakes that Ling had baked in front of her. They had icing (which she made herself) with jellybeans stuck on and sprinkles all over. Very yummy. She should contribute to the bake sale. I like the second picture, Rosie looks very happy. :)
She's officially
fifteen tomorrow. Happy Birthday again! :D
special thanks to both ching and ling for organizing this :DPS: i think JIS PEOPLE are terrorizing The Mall now, there were so many of them there yesterday! Labels: birthday, birthdays, happenings
Thursday, June 12, 2008,3:45 PM
the last exam is over :D I'm finally free to do whatever i want now.
i browsed msn just now, and i was shocked to see
this news.

This man is Manuel Uribe, the man who holds the record for heaviest man in the world- he was half a ton. now he's shed 550 pounds. This, however is not the shocking thing. the shocking thing is
he has a girlfriend. And he can't even stand on his two feet and get out of bed.
A volkswagen beetle weighs a ton. he is half a ton. no, i'm am not being sizist. Soon he's gonna hold the record for the
most weight lost. good luck to him. :D Things like this never cease to amaze me. and there was a headline awhile ago about a baby who was born twice. go search msn, it should be there.
and one more thing, this is for ching.
Twelve students from JIS with three officials from the Ministry of Culture, Youths and Sport's Culture Section attended yesterday's workshops.
The students were also accompanied by their Head of Music Paul Edgeler.

no, there are no pictures of us anywhere. phew.
[link to headlines]Labels: random, school
Tuesday, June 10, 2008,6:38 PM
last week's chem exam was hard. the empirical formula question was worth a whopping 4 marks, with 4 different values in one. It's the formula of phosgenite. (PB2CL2CO3- lead chlorocarbonate)
I've tried the new lenses to go with my cam now :D i shall bring it around to places as soon as i get a hang of it. It's pretty heavy.
X-MAKEENA. man, they were cool. two guys taught us how to make the sound of the drums so now i can make the sound of the drums without using anything, just my mouth. The guy there could even make the sound of a trumpet. He pretended to play it using his mic with the three buttons. so yaz said to mr edgeler, 'imagine sir, how many years you spent learning the trumpet.' haha just to get a good tone, and this guy can just do it without the instrument.
he could also make the sound of a double bass, bass guitar and electric guitar. he could make the sound of those squeaky kids' shoes, pretty cool :D for celebrities they're pretty nice. so patient with all of us while we were trying to make the sounds and ended up blowing raspberries.

the guy in red was one of the two who taught us, there was another guy as well with an afro-ish do.
taken from tasteofindie.com the brunei times came to interview them and take photos of the workshop thing, so keep an eye out for the article.
tomorrow's physics. one more, then no more exams :D
Labels: music, school
last fm.
Monday, June 2, 2008,7:14 PM
paolo nutini and his
soulful music.
last.fm is pretty good, it's got tons of artists. not one indie artist i search for is missing from their list. first day back to school. no denying the teachers also miss their holidays- mr airdrie couldn't set a single question without weird answers, so he made us do questions from our textbook instead.
oh, and one more thing. The designer
Yves Saint Laurent died
Labels: music, school