you’ve got yesterday’s heroes in last night's clothes
Thursday, August 21, 2008,8:42 PM
School's next week, still a lot to do, and not much done- I've got to rewrite and add some more bits to my geo coursework and my Sibelius doesn't work. :(
Also, today's the day we get our science results(+ foreign chinese). It didn't work at 1pm, it only worked at about 6pm. Even with the delay, I still haven't got my bio results yet. It makes me scared, because I didn't do as well as I expected in my last Bio exam. Other than that, the results I did get were satisfactory and I'm very happy about it.
Today I finished the book 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer. It's a really sweet love story, yet it feels like science fiction at the same time. Somehow, just by reading it, it made me feel really upset- humans living with no future, which is a pretty scary prospect.
It talks about Earth, taken over by parasite souls that live in people to colonize them. When the souls go into the human(host), usually the host's real soul dies. However this particular girl refuses to die and the soul ends up with all her memories and begins to fall in love with her host body's human lover. This is when things start to go wrong, the soul and the host body(Melanie) both go in search for the man they both love.
PS: nope, m'sia lost to china in men's singles.
Labels: book, holidays, school