a pink martini
Saturday, December 29, 2007,9:54 PM
Christmas was a rather hot day, and we stayed in most of the day. The notorious dinner affair was held the night before, the only thing to look forward to were the presents. I haven’t decided what to get yet for Christmas, so I’ll think about it and get it whenever I think of it.
I’m going back to brunei soon, tomorrow is the last day, I’ll be returning home 31st. I don’t want to go home, I want to stay here. The month did pass really quickly, and I’m afraid of going back to school and facing more school work, most of all anxious about the science GCSE exams results.
I really don’t know what I achieved this holiday, what I’ve wanted to do I’ve done by a bare minimum. I’ve only gone halfway through my photography book, I haven’t done a new blog layout, nor have I done many sketches whatsoever. I haven’t taken many photos, or learnt how to cook…
The only thing I’ve succeeded in doing is having some retail therapy- shopping and RELAXING.
The first few days of this holiday had me whining about not going out, partly due to the fact dad is dead set against not shopping because Australia is expensive.. blah..blah. I’ve actually managed to worm my way out of all that, I’m happy to say, I did manage to cross out some items on my shopping list.
Funny how I’ve actually confessed I have a shopping list.
Next, I’ve read several books this holidays, but I HAVE NOT FINISHED MY CHINESE BOOK. I have a hundred plus pages more and this is due in a week, oh dear. I’ve occupied my time with three books. Neil gaiman, and this book called woman in white, and another which title escapes me.
I really don’t want to get back to school. At least I have another week to catch up on homework.
PS: i have found some pink martini cds :)
Labels: holidays, thoughts
dreaming of a white christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007,10:28 PM
Recently a new train route has been opened, now connecting Perth to Mandurah on this 1 hour plus ride. Because of this there was a grand opening and so the rides were free, so of course many took the opportunity to go on the train down to mandurah.
But unfortunately you don’t have much to do down in Mandurah unless you’re a bit of a surfer chick. We got on the train and went all the way down, had fish and chips at a nearby stall and went home the same way. This trip occupied almost the whole afternoon due to the queues everywhere. Overall, a sticky and unpleasant experience, probably bound to change when they set ticket fees for the trip.

I have news,
CHRISTMAS COMES AN HOUR EARLIER here! :D I get my presents earlier, but I haven’t decided what to get yet… I wonder if asking for an
SLR this year is a bit too much? It’s probably the only thing that I really want and can’t really save up to get with my own pocket money. It’s not the same sort of thing with
clothes and
books and
chocolate, but still.
Tomorrow is likely to be a busy day, but I’m still going to stay up late and do the countdown to Christmas. WILLL ANYONE come online?! Or is everyone appearing offline? ;)
you know who you are. somehow i find this picture a little funny.
(from deviantart)
Labels: holidays, trips
Feral Rabbits
Saturday, December 22, 2007,7:05 PM
We went to Swan Valley today, and there was this winery we went to called Sandalford. Opposite its grapevines beside the road was this huge bush we saw when we were turning out to the main road, and we saw a small thing on the ground hopping around: it was a
The rabbit is actually a feral animal in Australia, they are more of a pest than a pet. The small rabbit we saw was not the first, later around these sheds were a few more rabbits. Had we been on foot i would have attempted to catch the rabbit and bring it home, my other rabbit has been lonely since he lost his hutch-mate.
Christmas is coming and for several nights now there's been late night shopping. There was a nativity play in the city, and they brought in live animals- camels, to be the Three Kings' camels. The camels were stinky though.
The weather has become rather hot now, at 29 degrees it's like a normal cloudy day sort of temperature in Brunei. there was a wildfire today in a park close by our house. there were helicopters carrying water all day to try extinguish the fire. It's going to become even hotter as Christmas comes, the hottest temperature now set to be on Christmas day-definitely not a white christmas.
picture from deviantart, of a wild rabbit
Labels: cute animals, trips
daddy's pronounciation
Saturday, December 15, 2007,8:21 PM
today my dad walked into my bedroom and he said,
'Hui, you're cousin's girlfriend is a duck.'
Duck? as in, quack, duck? turned out he meant 'DUX'
today i went for a lunch at an auntie's house. she has the most gorgeous pets- meet Buddy.
he's cute, and he wants to be your buddy.
he's a Pomeranian and he's four years old. My auntie got him from the animal shelter- looking at him, why would anyone not want him?

and now, Bella, the furry siamese cat. 
her parents are pedigree show cats, but she 'wasn't white enough' so she was sold. but still, very cute and very attention-seeking. she loves being held like a baby. she doesn't scratch either, but very picky with food.
Labels: cute animals, funnies
Wanneroo Market
Friday, December 14, 2007,6:01 PM
i was dragged to the market today by my parents, because food is more essential than clothes shopping and such. so, off i go to the market.
it's pretty windy today, and many of the craft shops in the market were closed. apparently it only opens during weekends, but isn't friday the weekend too?
either way i managed to take some photos and post them in deviantart, and later we went by another supermarket and i went to have a peep at the petshop.
i think i'm getting aclimatized. finally getting used to the weather hereabouts. now i no need jackets unless i'm going out at night. :D
nurul finally posted! :D i share her agony on the fact that gaspard WAS NOT PICKED to be EDWARD. oh well. i guess it's the director's taste after all.
spoke to ching today, missing you lot in brunei tons. :D
PS: ling has a blog.
Labels: random, trips
a day in the city
Wednesday, December 12, 2007,5:03 PM
I have never met two people more unwilling to shop than my dad and sis.
They were standing around with grumpy looks around a mega huge clothing store, SUPRE and complaining that they were going to leave without mum and I. Just wait till sis starts begging to share clothes again, or starts moaning that she has no dresses to wear. It’ll all be her fault then. And honestly, Dad’s ordeal was partly his fault as he refused to go into the men’s clothing store when he needs a proper suit that suits him.
Today we went to an art museum, where there were quite a few works on exhibit. The museum had fashion and photography and just normal artsy things like statues, busts, prints, oil paintings, acrylics and several odd works- a fully orange painting and another black canvas with a golden border round it.
the fashion designer was some japanese designer that believed in experimenting with fabrics and creating different silhouttes for women, he designed a couple of dresses for the movie
Moulin Rouge, apparently.
The photographer was Roger Ballum whose conceptual black and white works were rather unsettling. They depicted normal people but their expressions were rather creepy. as the gallery went on, the pictures became more chilling and creepy. sis got so scared she decided to stand outside. but honestly, i gave up viewing his scary pictures after awhile and went out to join her.
here are several:

the weather here has become increasingly bizarre, there was rain yesterday! (it doesn't usually rain around this time of the year, making bushfires common around december time) it's become hotter and sometimes it's so hot that you can't even sleep at night. in the afternoon it is hot and you get headaches, but you can't sleep because again it's too hot. i guess the only thing you're supposed to do around this time is just christmas shopping as opposed to staying at home and 'chilling.'
Labels: art, shopping
Stardust and Ratatouille*
Saturday, December 8, 2007,9:16 PM
Today I saw one of those bimbo quotes by Paris Hilton on a TV advert. It went something like:
What is walmart?
It sells like, wall-stuff, doesn’t it?
Reminds me of Maryam who extremely detests this heiress. She did a little speech on why she doesn’t like this heiress for English, which I think she did very well. Maryam, being funny and cynical has this to say about High School Musical-
She defines it as:
a movie in which people sing about anything and everything.
it's actually quite true, they sing when they're excited, happy, angry, sad and just about any emotion you have on the list. just think about it.
Suddenly I have so much free time on my hands, I took a walk today and got snapping. I think my macro on my digital cam is broken, it doesn’t focus so well, and it takes ages to work properly.
In the meantime I’m going to work on more photoshopping and maybe do some homework. How was last day of school, everyone who was there?
Oh yeah. I watched Stardust on the plane, nurul. =)
I think they did a good job of it, they tried to follow the book as much as possible. However, I don’t think the couple lived happily ever after in the original book, did they?
The computer generated stuff was quite good. Especially the aging of Michelle Pfeifer who played the evil witch who –whenever-she-did-a-spell-she-aged. She was not young originally, she got her youth from eating the previous caught-star’s leftover of her heart.
There was one point where she did a few spells and her hands became all wrinkled, later she did a small spell and her boobs fell down- they SAGGED. Ahahha =D
I think they chose the right actress to play the witch, she was downright horrible and vile, it worked well. The star was just as I imagined her, frail and skinny with blonde hair. Perfect cast :D
Oh, and I managed to watch a little of Ratatouille (is my spelling correct?)- quite cute, really. A mouse having control over a human. Makes people feel like cooking, but alas I didn’t managed to finish it because the plane was almost at its destination, and so the service was unavailable. Ah, well, nevermind.
The weather’s a little chilly here, too chilly for my own liking but if you stay in the sun with a little light breeze it should do fine.
Labels: movies
Last Day of School 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007,4:30 PM
nope, won't be around, today's my last day in school for 2007. just in case you're wondering, i'm following my 'tradition' as weiwen calls it, because i'm hardly EVER around on last days.
oh yes, i get emotional on last days. ahahah,
no i don't.
it just so happens my parents always plan holidays on the last day of school. nothing much, really. i'll still have internet access to blog, keep in touch with my friends i won't be seeing till next year, so everything will go on as normal.
however, i can't help missing you lot and all your jokes and fun times and silly times.
most of all, in particular, will be missing MY HERO, joan's
partayy. many apologies, of course, but i will get her her bday prez when she gets back for term two.
enjoy your holidays, everyone. =)
Wednesday, December 5, 2007,8:56 PM
apparently Joan made a promise to herself she would become a PESCITARIAN.
it is: used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of fish. Also spelled "Pescetarian" and sometimes "Pescitarian".
she can't be completely vegetarian because she can't give up sushi =D hahah
salmon and eel and jellyfish and octopus.
my hero who's turning fifty fifteen today :D
the best leader of our DOE group. (BECAUSE SHE IS THE LEADER, ANYWAY)

and to end the post, some random pieces.

Your eyes must do some raining
if you're ever going to grow
and a funky picture of ching in oversized sunnies.
she puts the status out to lunch when it's wayy past lunch, but she can do it apparently because she's COOL

Labels: art, birthdays
A red rose fell upon the soft snow
Sunday, December 2, 2007,9:43 PM
I forgot to mention that the reason why that girl from the previous postwas so cute- it was because she also made up things along her line of thought. She tried to tell a joke-
Why did the mango chase another mango?
Because-because-because-b-b-b-ecause (while trying to prolong the time for her to think)
The fox was dressed as a mango !
I went to watch Enchanted yesterday, and the thing that hit me the most was
The sheer simplicity of love in cartoons
Simple, straightforward and without twists and turns.
One of the scenes was of the New Yorker, surprised that Giselle, the main character could fall in love in just one day and be married the next.
Alas, Giselle is too simple-minded for her own good, making dresses out of curtains and carpets, and being astonished at herself of being angry.
And her Prince is just a little too gay for his own good, totally amorous and overly romantic and airheaded, to the extent of when he hears her voice he jumps down a bridge and lands into a crowd of bikers, falling. He is simply too egoistic, each time the chipmunk tries to say something to him about Giselle, he always thinks it’s about his looks.
The cynical lawyer is the typical softie, tough on the outside and soft on the inside. Makes me think of the long the short and the tall’s Macleish who shares a similar character; tough and ready to fight, yet extremely concerned about his brother.
It’s the last week of school this week, finally. My maid was just wondering when she’d have to stop waking up so early and cooking lunch for me at 6 in the morning for me to bring to school.
Labels: movies, thoughts