Don't just sit there and say nothing. Leave a message. it appears the links do work :D but i'll leave the quicklink to the cbox here.
why red shoes? It was a ballet. A story but Hans Christian Andersen (don't tell me you don't know him).
It was a story of a girl who wore a pair of red shoes that refused to come off. It made her dance all night and day.
RANDOM-STUFF guilty of blog-surfing.
love this record But I can't see straight anymore. life is a maze, love is a riddle.
la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
2. Joe Pogan- scrap metal sculptures I create animal sculptures using various "found metal" objects like old watches, sprockets, nuts and bolts. The stranger the piece of metal the better, since the end goal is an eye-catching, fascinating amalgamation of metal with odd nooks and crannies you can explore for hours. 3. Clare Graham- recycled material art. Clare creates art. Recently “Recycled Art” or art made from discarded materials. Take a look but try to think of something to say besides “Oh my Gawd” – or his favorite; “Why would someone do that?”. Soda Cans Bottle Caps made entirely out of buttons.
i hope this has inspired you to think green too. Who knows, you could create some fantastical art with the rubbish lying around in your house? ;)
two things i'm blogging about today. first: Kira Plastinina. She's fifteen, turning sixteen next month. She has accomplished what most girls could only dream of doing. She has a fashion company, given to her for her birthday. Most people remarked she could only do this because her father is rich. How did it start off? Apparently she showed her dad her designs, who then showed it to designers. She's opening stores in US now. [video of her fashion show] [article on her in NYmag] second: Alex Evans. Canadian guy with tons of fans. He's part of a band, models, designs clothes and he's into photography. He's seventeen. But fame must come with haters, because you can't be famous without haters. He even has fan-art! Don't know if he's famous simply because he looks cute. you judge. like the hair though. look at those eyelashes. long, and on a guy. [videos of him on youtube- there's an astounding number of them]
i wonder how many other prodigies and jacks-of-all-trades are out and about? This inspires too much jealousy from all of us average joes. bleh.
it's half-term now, finally. we had the yr13's farewell assembly thing today, and they sang the great escape and threw their ties and bags and bits of paper into the air in celebration. Quite funny, actually. There was a soloist guy who sang this really jazzy piece, and camille's sister and another girl sang as well.
it's half-term yet there'll still be tons to do. Geo coursework and english essays, art coursework and revision for chem as well as physics. Big lots of work, but i'm all set with a new book to start the entire week off. Teenvogue is not out yet, what a shame. Put three new deviations into deviantart. oh, and DAVID COOK won!
Mum's birthday today. :D contemporary japanese photography. subject: flowers
sometimes i lose my patience. Got most of my results back :D i'm pretty satisfied with most of the marks. I'm procastinating now because i'm not feeling eager to get back to bio. I think i can state a the functions of RNA and mitochondria well enough. The odd thing is no matter how much we all study for the exam, the exam will not cover every single topic. Farah says she'll study it all tomorrow. We have the whole of tomorrow anyway, the exams at 8.30pm, but we gotta be there at 8pm.
On thursday, the geography trip's on at bukit shahbandar, again. This time nurul and ching should bring their slrs. TO PHOTOGRAPH THE SOIL EROSION :D in miss smith's words, "there was a lot of fantastic erosion going on at the last end of the track." As far as i'm concerned, soil erosion's probably not that fantastic, but it means you'll have to climb the entire lot of hills to arrive at that spot, or probably go the wrong way up, starting from the nineth hill.
After that, at seven, i have my GCSE Foreign Language Chinese Reading and Listening exam. pretty rushed, perhaps i'll go home early or something. Anyhow, back to Bio.
this is prince caspian. Ben Barnes, in Narnia. With a cool Spanish accent, which contrasted with the other accents (the dwarves had COCKNEY accents!) and made him sound really foreign :D (he learnt it from a dialect coach) he had this really romantic character, just look at the way he treated Susan, his small sweet smiles and her lame lines and him saving her from the baddies. swweeet.
I think the screenplay was brilliant. The scariest bit was when the ICE QUEEN made a litte comeback, with the hag and werewolf. creepy. And the most anxious bit was when Peter was fighting Miraz until he had him on his knees, i was whispering, 'quick, quick' because i was really scared they would finish Peter off with the crossbow one of soldiers had. The saddest was when the poor minotaur sacrificed himself to hold the gate of the castle open to allow the Narnians to retreat, and he ends up being hit by the arrows of the archers. He held it open till he died, then he fell flat and the door went smack right on top of him :(
read the wikipedia article for spoilers, if you really want to know what happens.
but i'll give a sneak preview. In Narnia, Caspian, a Telemarine Prince, is wakened by his mentor, Doctor Cornelius. Doctor Cornelius explains to Caspian that his aunt has just given birth to a son. Caspian is the rightful heir to the Narnian throne, but his father died when he was young. His uncle, Miraz, maintained rule over Narnia until Caspian was old enough, only because Miraz had no children of his own. Now that he did have a child, if he killed Caspian, he would be the sole heir to the throne and his son would be his successor.
Caspian realizes that his life is in danger, and escapes through a secret passage in a wardrobe just before some Telemarine soldiers charge into the room and fire arrows right into his bed. Dr. Cornelius gets Caspian's horse, Destrier, and gives Caspian a small package, saying not to use it except in great need. Caspian gallops away from the castle, but not before some Telemarine soldiers notice and chase after him. Caspian enters the woods to lose his chasers, since the Telemarines are afraid of The Shuddering Woods.
Here he blows the horn and summons the Pevensies, for another journey into Narnia. He unites the Narnians, and prepares to be the first Telmarine to be on the side of the Narnians and to overthrow his wicked uncle. --------------- and now for the little song that ended the entire show. regina spektor, the call.
guess who called by my house today. it's the CONSmen. they called by about three times, once in the afternoon and once at night. the news has broadcasted about this, but still they dared to do this... i think almost everyone we know have got this call. it's apparently a filipino lady's voice, according to mum.
the EXAMs are over. maths and chemistry are over and done with. camille's a smarty-pants, she managed to beat tat meng at bio, haha (it's not a one off, camille.) mr lopez decided to tie a noose round nurul's teddybear's neck- one of those me-to-you teddies. now it looks really miserable. he did it with such skill that it would make you wonder where he learnt it from.
now that the exams are over, we got ice-cream again. but still gotta study because wednesday's the GCSE bio exam, the official external ones. apparently we've got the tail end of a typhoon again, that's what's been causing the rain. not fun, so much rain that i don't feel like going out at all.
and now, i've got an entire list of things i want to do, so i'll leave you with a little inspiration. fashion photography.
i'm back for a little while to share something funny :D i saw this in the music office. not meaning to offend anyone, but this is what some kids put down in their music test.
in the LISTENING TEST the song played was Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, a second language student put Tickle, Tickle Little Star.
name a percussion instrument. ans: tangerine.
and this
is a wrist.
that ends it, i guess. the expression concert was good but it started and ended late. came to school next day feeling like a zombie. still haven't caught up on those hours sleep yet. today was geo and chinese, humongous amounts of writing. my languages and options exams are over, only the sciences and maths left, which is pretty good. three more days...
was in soooo many of my classes- maths, art and ict, pe.
discussed boys, food, countries (those ideal for living in or travelling to) and teachers during maths with me.
was into bball.
who could juggle dating with studying and still get top scores.
was able to ace PMB in a few short months, got better scores than a lot of people who were there the whole year.
could make something out of nothing. she could go to ego and pick random stuff and make it match and look pretty.
was from labuan, and attracted AH-BENGS on the ferry :D
speaks cantonese. (can go to hongkong and know her way around)
who knew she wanted to do finance as a career. (above picture taken during Career Matters ASA)
chose accounting, business and foodtech (because she loved to cook.)
i'm so mad at myself for not finding this out earlier. kinda lost contact with her when she moved back to chms. saw her in the airport when she came back from AUS. She's been in Aus since end of march. will be missed a lot.