Don't just sit there and say nothing. Leave a message. it appears the links do work :D but i'll leave the quicklink to the cbox here.
why red shoes? It was a ballet. A story but Hans Christian Andersen (don't tell me you don't know him).
It was a story of a girl who wore a pair of red shoes that refused to come off. It made her dance all night and day.
RANDOM-STUFF guilty of blog-surfing.
love this record But I can't see straight anymore. life is a maze, love is a riddle.
la fille
A sixteen year old blogger with a passion for photography, fashion, web design, watercolor paints, good books and music. She would love to travel the world one day and take dozens of photos.
Caught in a vision i want to deny As if floating on a lumpy pillow sky Caught up in the whole illusion That dreams never pass us by Came to a tattoed conclusion When I look in the mirror Tracing lines with a pencil ----norah jones
go norah jones! =) at least my parents don't object to her jazzy tones! (oops, random post) its been a relatively okay week so far. Except that i don't think i can go to the Sydney trip, i have my ABRSM piano theory =( so no trip for me.... and also the art teacher has been moody again. my opinionated chinese teacher thinks that poets and authors and artists are extra sensitive people, they tend to get emo easily as they need it for their great works. being entirely non-emo is not exactly that good, because you have no inspiration, of somewhat. that is why when you are depressed, you tend to be able to write better. odd.
yet another post. I've changed my layout, because familiarity breeds contempt and i was beginning to detest that shade of pink. The whole theme was lurrrrve i've added several stuff to the sidebar now.
the picture above shows the progress of one of the potted plants i planted ages two weeks+ ago (i think.) The one with little surprises. The rest haven't grown much, the 4 o'clocks barely even considered plants just yet.
So the week has just started. I've begun to have second thoughts on DT, i seem to find the class a little boring, and many people have been saying how 'lucky' i was to be able to take all three creative subs. The fact is, they are not entirely creative and i want to voice just once at for all that NOT ALL MY SUBJECTS ARE CREATIVE, they are simply labelled CREATIVE as you NEED creative skills to do this subject. And, it's not limiting my options, i'm simply doing what i enjoy, although i'm entirely sure that i enjoy DT...
It's my first year, taking this sub and saying i'm good at it simply isn't reassuring at all. It scares me that i have to pick subjects to 'specialize' in, and i have to stick to it for the next two years regardless of whether i enjoy it or not: but then again, didn't i do that back in my old school, regardless of whether i enjoyed commerce* or not, i did it anyway... and survived a year of ledger accounts.
the trouble with it all is that in normal school i was never allowed to pick my subjects, thus making me unbiased to any particular subjects, having no favourites or hates in my list of subjects.
note; commerce is a mix of business studies and accounting.
The song maria sang, the one i mentioned in my previous post.
"Lighthouse" Take what you need while there's time The city will be earth in a short while If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames You and I will escape to the seaside
There is a storm in the distance The wind breathing warning of its imminence There is a lighthouse five hundred yards down You and I will be safe there
There is a girl who haunts that lighthouse She saved me, I was swimming So young I almost drowned Under the water she sang a story Of losing her lover She calls a warning
Love, you are foolish, you're tired Your sleeplessness makes you a liar The city is burning The ocean is turning Our only chance is the lighthouse
Her lover was a sailor She went and she waited there The door locked from the outside Lover never arrived so she sings there Soft as a siren luring the ships off their course, how alarming
We went in, we climbed up and looked out The door locked from the outside Three ghosts in a lighthouse
ends suddenly. The song is a little creepy, come to think of it. Despite that it is quite dreamy. the direct link is here. The video is actually just a slideshow.
Today's post for peace day will be a picture post. All photos edited in photoshop.
(above: nurul's hand. she used permanent markers and highlighters to do it, during chemistry)There were several highlights on this day- white ribbons for peace, face-painting for $1. It was meant to be only peace-related signs such as:
ching and the peace sign. sorry, ching. There weren't any other photos. I know you don't like sideviews, neither do i.... :)
and next was the smiley face, demonstrated by camille who wore the preettyy earrings i got for her birthday =) at first weiwen, ching and i got only these peace signs done. Then we saw other people had other things done on their face. like this one on aisyah- a rainbow.
so pretty, right? and such a big smile =) ching, weiwen and i HAD to get one done, so we got a second round, and ended up with two cheeks painted.
but for some reason weiwen didn't get a rainbow, she got a peace sign- two V-shaped fingers. This photo ching the pro took. Without even seeing the screen. And it turned out okay, except for the stupidly bright flash.
There were other things today, i had to perform Samson, ching forced me to, so we could get this over and done with. Personally i don't think i sang as well as i did during practice. I don't like mikes, they make my voice sound weird. I love maria's song though, it's so sad and haunting yet pretty, what a great melody... it's lighthouse by the hush sound.
The guy band played well, as usual, and we, the girl band played Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer. The song could have been further improved. I don't know how to describe this, but our sound is not full... it's like patchy. Should have plugged up or something. Besides that, i guess it's okay. Yasmeen, i found out today, is muslim, and from Dubai. And she thinks we have potential. Oh, and issac sang today. he was quite good, albeit a little shy.
And to end the pictures posting, a classic example of rocker chick playing the electric guitar.
Camille Ong, electric guitar. so yeah, i didn't post it in deviantart, but i think i was a good picture- look at the euphoric expression on her face! Totally lost in the music...
To end, i have good news. There is a lovely excursion to sydney around october till november... sounds quite good, wonder if anyone is going?
Today we did something sort of fun for pe- we (rosie, joan, joanne and I) did diving. Nope, i don't like diving, i dive like a log. I protested at first but was forced to in the end. So we got to the other end of the pool and rosie says, "i can't jump from so high up!" so coach takes one of those noodle things and makes us do aerial long jumps from the top of the diving platform. our landing point, being the pool. =) was fun. We arrived late to maths, but it was worth it.
Friday is World Peace Day and the school intranet said that there would be a one minute of silence at midday. okay. According to my chinese teacher, people only remain silent in funerals, which she thought was rather odd- doing it on peace day? there is also an origami thing for peace day, and we also have a casual clothes day.
I despise having casual clothes days because its hard deciding what to wear. It's good to not wear uniform for just once but choosing what you wear is a difficult task. You're happy to be in casual clothes- individuality yet on the other hand you don't want to look shabby or wear something people have seen before, which is hard when you don't have an extensive wardrobe.
The next thing is we have to cover our shoulders and knees- i wear several jeans stuff that are slightly above the knee- is that okay? on the other hand i don't like skirts, they don't feel safe especially when you want to sit down. And sleeveless stuff? i don't want to overdress and arrive looking like i'm ready for prom or something: which brings me to a conclusion-i must ask what everyone is wearing.
"jeans, t-shirt." jeans-jeans-jeans and we all live in our jeans. Rainy days, shopping days, sunny days- all jeans. Bell-bottoms, skinny jeans... low rise and bootcut. No jeans please--- again?
PS: Chinese teacher gives all the scoop. she says there's going to be a pshe for us soon- next week or so?
ohh, will you take a look at these darling shoes? ;) the lady's shoes fit both ways, even if she wears it back to front!! one day fashion will take a step further and making absent-mindedness a trend. =) image from msn. full content can be found here.
I realise I haven’t posted for quite some time now, so I’m here to update. Today is the first day of Ramadhan, when the muslims begin their fasting. It felt like a Saturday or a Friday, even because of the holiday feel.
I went to my grandma's for lunch and met my younger guy cousin who's still in chms. He got every single one of my books from last year (he's a year younger than me), so he got to see all the drawings I drew when I was bored. According to him,he deduced that the more I drew on the book the more boring the class was. Sad, to say, that was quite true, because back in my other school a lot of classes were way boring. For example in mib class I practiced drawing eyes and got found out by the teacher who showed it to the entire class.
And he told me a lot about chms, that my dancing teacher is leaving, a new Chinese orchestra teacher came to Brunei to teach. And also that he is now a volleyball and track and field pro. Ahaha so proud of my cousin =)
After lunch we went shopping and I stocked on a supply of mars bars. And while I was at it I saw this entire rack full of flowers. So for some reason I was instantly hit by the gardening bug, and I decided to plant some flowers and see if I was green-fingered at all.
I bought the following flowers: Fairy Rose Miniature rose bushes bearing white to pale pink, sweet-scented, semi-double blooms free flowering and has subtle shades. Prefers warm and high humidity.
And I noted on the packet that I takes 7 weeks for it to germinate, almost two months! In bold letters below the description, BE PATIENT, germination CAN take weeks. If it turns out pretty, i guess i'll be willing to wait.
4 o'clock this one, according to the packet 'flowers open in late afternoon, remain open all night and usually close before noon the next day. ' I think this flower was special because of that, so i'm going to try planting this. Germination takes 7 days, the full height of the plant will be 60cm.
the next was a combination of several hardy, sun loving and brilliantly coloured flowers tolerant to hot and dry conditions. Zinnias Marigolds Asters sunflowers and a number of surprises. these will take a varied time to germinate.
Oh, and the neighbour's cat gave birth to little kittens- the special ones being the white coloured blue-eyed ones. there are three of that sort and two that are butterscotch coloured. I'll post the pictures from my sis' camera. *images found off google image search
Don’t it always seem to go That you don't know what you’ve got ‘Til it's gone -Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi
these are one of the oldie songs i listen to. I heard this in a supermarket just today, so i thought i'd post these lyrics. Honestly, i didn't think i'd be able to get through this week with all the things we needed to do - english speech, dt stuff and art stuff, and several others. But wait- here i am, sitting down, typing away.
A few classic oldies: Raindrops keep falling on my head rhythm of the rain *errr. when i think of more i'll post =)
Everything seemed okay when I started out the other day Then the rain came pouring down And now I'm drowning in my fears And as I watch the setting sun I wonder if I'm the only one -Teddy Geiger, "these walls"
A lot of things happened today, how shall i begin?
I'll start off by saying that i had double english to begin with, and fortunately i haven't had a go yet. There were several interesting talks such as a leprechaun one by nurul, one on Paris Hilton by Maryam and another on Emos by one of the malay guys in my class. Let me quote some.
"Emos are characterized by a layer of fringe covering one of their eyes (holds up visual aid) or hair covering the entire front of their eyes(hold up another visual aid). "(on this sentence, i quickly put my fringe behind my ear, to avoid being labelled this emo thing.)
"There are three categories of emos, first are the real emos who are actually feeling miserable, the next are the ones who are emo to be cool, the next are ones that just dress emo."
"And apparently it is cool to cut yourself, but personally i think it does just the opposite."
"You can find emos everywhere, primarily around the Gadong area hanging around in The Mall cutting themselves in a dark corner to release their pain."
"and there are several solutions on how to solve this emo problem. The first has already been done, people have been trying to make the emos think positive. The second, my own recommendation is to leave them be and let them drown in their own misery."
I tried my best to quote his heavy sarcasm. Oh well. There were some bits i didn't agree about: i think emos don't wear colourful clothes, they dress like goths, as dark as possible. And what about the skinny jeans? No skinny jeans because people might think you are emo?
Next was pe. My last pe lesson for the whole week. Swimming again.
Then there was chemistry, when we made our wonderful cold cream emulsions. Weiwen and I teamed up and made mango hand lotion. (it wasn't hand-cream anymore as it was overly watery) Then he made salad dressing to end the emulsions lesson. Classic emulsions are egg yolk containing things and things like mustard and detergent.
Then i went with Kyung to the canteen. And this is what we saw.
a snake wound around the roof beam that had come out, sunbathing and oblivious to the crowd that had gathered below it. For all you know, it could have lived there for some time, except that no one ever noticed and it kept itself in the little crevice in the roof the whole time, only coming out occasionally to sunbathe.
In DT class, i am now convinced that Microsoft Publisher hates me, it never prints anything properly. hmmph.
oh, i'm joining the duke of edinburgh thing, hoping to learn another language because it sounds fun. =) also, if i could i wish for someone to do netball with me..... any takers? There'll also be a casual clothes day coming up soon =)
Today's art class was a horror, let me begin by getting you, the reader to define: art.
It's self-expression, some people say and it's not supposed to be restrained by someone of higher authority. (eg a teacher) so this is how it goes.
It's the weekly DOUBLE ART LESSON. so we walk in anticipating a session of self-expression but walk out utterly annoyed and angry at our art teacher, and this is why: she is restraining our art to neatness and prim and properness-- not that all art is messy. She made us show her everything, every single thing that we were putting together and only after we got her approval then we could glue it all in. She circled the room like a vulture analysing and criticizing work.
So yeah. She is even against recycling paper. We were using extra handouts for collage and she complained that she needed them to give to other classes. Photocopying is cheap though, if it's the money problem. But photocopying around the school is rather cheap, no cost like back in my last school. So thus i conclude its either she's lazy or she's stingy with her materials.
went to the chms funfair today, met a couple of my old classmates and friends. my, people really have changed, Shan dyed her hair, Mellie cut her hair, several people grew taller... several people looked remotely familiar but their name slipped my mind.
The first person i saw was melissa with her cousin reychelle. mel's still the same, the sportsy girl who was busy working up a sweat playing ddr. she went home early, though. then next was jane, who did my henna tattoos that smudged. Then Martin who was helping out at the drinks stall with Irene. Then Cin at her ring the bottle stall. the poor prefects have to help the entire day, with a break only once in two hours.
Then mdm yong, of all people. my teacher who left me to the mercy of some weirdo english teachers in pri 4, 5, 6, then form 1, 2. She came all the way from kb down! it's been a good--- let's see--- six years since i last seen her! =) i have her to thanks for the state of my english today(as well as my mum). she drilled me on grammar back in primary school =)
oh, and to the people who haven't seen me for the past week, i cut my hair shorter last sunday. there were chicks again. okay. off to attack the homework pile. one last picture, my collage.