love is a drug, causes withdrawal symptoms. refer to: addicted- kelly clarkson.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008,6:22 PM
jazz band and concert band played today for the mini concert we had over every school break today. For once i couldn't help feeling as though the classes passed really quickly.
Mr moore's rendition of 'let me entertain you' is still stuck in my head. the way he bawled it out and belted the song was like, 'whoa' - he was super loud.
and all this for a sneak-peek of march's concert.
had a fruitful art lesson today, now i have inspiration, and a direction to pursue to get my final outcome. It's going to be interactive, that's all i can say now. :)
and might have something to do with papier mache. so i went and googled it, and decided to review the process of producing papier-mache.
inspiration drawn from:

literally, love is
blind. Just like anger can be blind.
magritte, cornell (surrealist- assemblage)check out this article, couldn't help feeling sorry for the papier mache figures when they began to deteriorate during this
waterproofing experiment.

i'll put it this way: you gain affinity with
things you name. like imaginary friends, for example.
neville no-neck, brian bushy-beard, mad major, flora floosie.
oh, and good luck to the SEAMAC people.
SYAZ and
we're rooting for you guys.Labels: art, school
Hari Kebangsaan 2008- Tunas Bangsa
Saturday, February 23, 2008,11:56 AM
I love it when the long weekends come, because I can just laze around reading magazines, but the downside is when I have to rush to finish all my homework on the last day, just before school the next day.
I watched
27 dresses yesterday (yes, I am behind in the movie scene) and got to see all the hideous 27 dresses. Makes you wonder why they have ugly bridesmaid dresses like that. To make the bride look prettier, or to create an fanciful unnecessary eyesore you can never wear again?
Quote: ‘
oh, good, you can shorten it and wear it again.’
Jane Nichols never does that, she keeps hers in her closet. 27 dresses and counting, she can never close her wardrobe. She has a fetish for weddings- no, she is not a wedding planner. She just loves being the one ordering the cakes the dresses organizing the whole thing. Love comes in the form of a cynical guy who will, most eventually change her fate, and stop her from wearing another
hideous bridesmaid gown. Disaster strikes, when her sister returns from New York and falls in love with her boss (whom jane has a crush on as well) then plans to have a wedding- which Jane will organize (because she CANnot say no).
Her sister plays the part very well- annoying and careless and a tattletale, making stuff up as she goes along. I loved the slideshow, so sarcastic. The script itself reflects her sister’s shallowness and childish conception of love- ‘
from the beginning TESS and GEORGE were meant for each other blah-blah…I can’t understand why Jane adores her boss, he looks rather old for her. Oh, and the guy who saves her from her 28th dress is
Patrick Marsden, the utterly gay-looking prince from Enchanted. Oh, and he also acted in Hairspray- CORNY COLLINS! He looked noticeably better in this film, goes to show what a world of difference a
good haircut can make.
i watched the hari kebangsaan dance thing this morning, the theme is
tunas bangsa or something, i suppose the rainbow was supposed to reflect the different cultures in brunei. very colourful this year. did you see the little kids in silver dancing? so cute, but they were rather messy when they ran.
Born Ruffians. Indie rock.

Labels: holidays, movies, music
puppies needing homes.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008,9:06 PM
puppies currently living in temporary conditions- i.e. under a Toyota Estima. Mother seems unable to feed puppies, leaving extremely hungry yet cute puppies.
Labels: cute animals, school
an aftermath of valentine's
Monday, February 18, 2008,7:01 PM
the flowers from valentine's day have begun to wilt so i decided to speed up the process by plucking the dry petals off. The flowers don't seem very big after you do that, and when you reach the middle of the flower... it seems rather pretty for macro shots.
this morning, in tutor group.
mr s: flowers are supposed to mean everlasting love and friendship.
nikki: so what happens when they wilt?
mr s: roses don't last very long.
so therefore, not a very good flower to represent long-standing friendship, i guess. but still, nice flowers to get for valentine's. thanks to the people who gave me roses this valentine's. ;)
the neighbourhood bitch has given birth again. 4 white puppies, 1 brown one. only managed to find 2 of them today, both white in color.

they need homes.
Labels: cute animals, random
blog layout version 6- pouring water into the ocean
Sunday, February 17, 2008,11:34 AM
found this inspirational picture on the internet, and the rest came after that.
i've been told my previous layout had problems in the other browsers like Safari,
godzilla mozilla firefox. Not so sure about netscape, i bet my dad's the only one using that now.
So, i'm back to the conventional layout- the everything on one page layout.
the social was quite fun, the music was better than the last. I think the people who didn't go lost out on some decent music, but you can't blame them, they've gained a phobia of bad socials since the previous one. the previous one had some odd music, not exactly ones you could dance to, but this social at empire had some 'danceable' oldies- like dancing queen, don't worry, be happy. And to finish it off, 1 song for the couples.
Labels: happenings, layout rants
just a thought.
Saturday, February 9, 2008,8:57 PM
being short-sighted is like having a permanent macro-function in your eyes-
can't see far, it's all blur; the near bits are ultra-clear.
i'm back.Labels: thoughts
So I wished upon a chili-hua
Wednesday, February 6, 2008,8:18 PM
…and my wish was granted =)
I’m having fun. i've been here for two days now, almost. I'm currently at my uncle's house, who has an internet connection- which is unavailable in my grandparent's, whom i'm staying with.
I've had time to catch up with my two little cousins, valarie and jason... both studying in sarikei. I discovered that Valarie's ears are so small that they can barely fit a earphone inside! oh, and have i mentioned her favourite song is 'Lollipop' by Mika? :D

it's chinese new year tomorrow. i hope i can go on somemore after this. The angpao's are here, but i have yet to open them. think of them as 'christmas' presents. :) oh, and how was casual clothes day? it sucks knowing what you'll wear, but not being able to be there....
Labels: holidays