Figuratively Speaking
Friday, August 31, 2007,9:33 PM
It's sort of a weekend now, isn't it? I'm grateful that i managed to get through my
first week of school, although the whole week was filled with things to do... and also a
slight sense of foreboding. I don't know why but this year will be rather interesting as we
wade through the
depths of GCSE coursework, heh. It's really different from last year, somehow and everything you do
will count towards your final GCSE grade. Even art has guidelines,
Blah-blah-blah. And there are tons of things to get used to. Like the fact that Nurul is
no longer in my science class, like the fact that i'm in
no classes with Ling except PE, like the fact that i
haven't performed yet for music. I feel awfully bad doing my hardest piece, but if not it'd be a much performed piece instead, and repetitions are bad, aren't they? Goes to show you have no repetoire of songs
at all.
But my new subjects are fine. I should be
grateful i have at least one friend in every class i take. The only bad bit was Alexia and i tried taking almost similar subjects so we could be in the same class but when we got our timetables, realised that we did not end up in any classes together except PE and Maths like
last year. When she has
Business i have
music ;
music. That bad a miss. so much for even
On teachers. Ahem. I hold particular dislike for adults who
detest my taste in shoes, saying my flats
aren't black enough. Even rosie was awfully puzzled when i told her about it. She brought her snake to school today, and showed it to ching, who screamed and thought it was a spider. Mr L is creepy, half the time when he's talking i dont know if he's being
sarcastic or
joking. RARR looks like it's going to be a looonnnggg year.
This is bad, with such a
negative outlook to this new year, how am i going to get through it? honestly, i'm hoping my second week will be much less busy.
There's going to be a
funfair in
chung hwa this
sunday, Jane is in-charge of this '
tattoo' thing, i think she means
face-painting. also, there's going to be a
petting-zoo, do go over and have a look.
I leave you with a
calming yet sad song. It's from 200 pounds beauty.
PS: Happy Independence Day to the Malaysians.
Labels: school
Wednesday, August 29, 2007,5:16 PM
I just realised that i have two major things tomorrow, swimming and speaking in front of the whole class('it's practice for GCSE ' says mr naked-mole-rats) I also have a DT poster due tomorrow, so i better get to work. Not that this is big stress, it's just the deadline the embarassment of it all. Besides, don't know i have how long to make my poster, might have music practice tonight. *sigh*
And, i discovered, being
emo is the
best time to do art. Did a collage in art class today, and while we were doing it a couple of girls screamed and backed away from their table. I was in the next table and i thought it was just one of those ordinary icky things like cockroaches and frogs(which we both found in the last pe period we had in the girl's changing room on tuesday) but it was not. The floor tiles were rising as like a volcano thing. Then the teacher told us to evacuate the classroom. She joked that "if you don't find me in the classroom you know where i've gone." Turned out it had happened several times before in the place. But we got back in the end and moved the table elsewhere. I'm rather happy with the result of my collage, i have a pic of it on my mobile phone.
Okay. I seriously have to go now.
Labels: school
Second Day
Tuesday, August 28, 2007,3:07 PM
I'm beginning to feel the slight pressure to this year ten thing. I got mr lopez for an english teacher, and as soon as he walked in he gave us sheets of paper and began a long process of explaining GCSE. There's nothing worse than a teacher telling you it's a competitive place to be in the top set. And worse, him mentioning all the expectations . The grades for my two papers must be both A*, and if i feel pressured i can move down to the other sets. But that's not an option, i'm willing to try but explaining the course makes everyone become a whole bundle of nerves.
And today i had my first pe lesson, not too bad actually, next class is going to be swimming.
Art is the only thing that keeps me up these days.
Labels: school
Monday, August 27, 2007,4:40 PM
yes. it's first day of school. new subjects, new teachers. I must say, my enthusiasm has been watered down by today's back to school- totally unglamourous and nothing like i expected. Assemblies twice, one with a teacher's rock band (
rather cool) and some out-of-tune singing. Well, at least i have alexia in tutor group and maths, and ching in music, kyung in DT. =)
so. time for homework.
Labels: school
Can't stop the rain by complaining
Saturday, August 25, 2007,12:18 PM
i'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining-------Raindrops keep falling on my head
School is coming nearer and nearer! sis says
aha this is your last weekend off school! this morning i wrapped every single one of my books half-heartedly while singing away to my new cd. Okay. i'm a bit off concentrating now and i'm just wondering how the first day of school is going to be like. Obviously i have to bring everything just in case.
in case i have pe, i must bring my pe bag. in case i get a strict teacher, i must bring everything needed to be on the safe side. it's not good to get scolded on the first day of is fun to explore new rooms around and search for different rooms again. And there are clueless new students wandering about. Back on the day when i was a new student it wasn't anything out of particular, it wasn't as bad as i imagined. Everyone said hi to me and asked me what i thought of the school. I remember getting lost while trying to get to P block for english.
oh yes, first day of school is another repitetion of my first day of school. only this time i'll have friends who'll be in the same boat. At least i know which block is which.
i went to school yesterday and saw a huge crowd around the drama room as mum was circling about looking for a parking space. Then this huge crowd began to move towards the sixth form block. aha. showing new students around the school.
I got my books in the drama room. There were blue packages on the ground and there was one with my name on.
Year 10- Rachel Wong. Year 10. I don't know why up till now it hasn't sunken into my head that i'm going to be in year 10 already. I keep calling the year 11 the year 10s and my classmates -the year 9s.
Then after that i went to miri. Came back at nine, there was a heavy downpour and there were a lot of jams along the way, especially down seria. Then sis slept around the tutong stretch to the highway in muara and i took pictures of her sleeping with her mouth open on mum's mobile.
There was a really bad accident around the highway- the muara stretch and there was a car sort-of wrapped around the tree. Many people parked their cars and got off to look as though it was some road-side
pasar malam thing. I hope the person is alright. The car seemed like a proton.
Okay. Moooviing on to happier things. I'm happy i've got books to read now, i'm a little nervous about the first day of school. So. I end this mega-long post with pictures of hybrid dogs. (no kidding.)

Schnauzer + Poodle = Schnoodle

Cocker Spaniel + Poodle = Cockapoo

Pomeranian + Chihuahua = Pomchi
(This breed is to my taste, i like small cute puppies like these!)Boston Terrier + Pug = Bug

Labradors + Poodles= Labradoodles

and they have goldendoodles as well, golden retrievers and poodle crosses.

links found off msn A-list, found with windows live search, pictures are not mine. From various websites. off to eat lunch now.
Labels: cute animals, holidays, thoughts
Exam Results
Thursday, August 23, 2007,3:06 PM
I've been floundering around on the internet waiting for the JIS website to work because my server has problems, apparently. So, the AQA GCSE Science June 2007 Results come today. It didn't work at 1pm.
uh-oh. Exam results and all the nerves.
refreshed and refreshed the page zillions of times till it got through.(spending one hour doing other things in the process) Then around 3pm i got through to the jis website. I went straight to the link given on the sheet and proceeded to type the candidate number, then the character access code.
Then i pressed enter.
then waited for it to load. Bit by bit, it loaded. Then i went back to multitasking. Coming back, later, i found the results on the page. =) so yeah. I'm not going to post my results here, but i must say it was pretty good. but one last thing on the page caught my eye,
All results are provisional and subject to confirmation by the issue of a certificate. Immediately called mum, who'll tell dad later. Going to miri tomorrow for sis' braces appointment and for a little excursion to someplace other than brunei.
Countdown to school: around three days? not including today.
Labels: happenings
Sunday, August 19, 2007,1:05 PM

Stephie. It wasn't all smiles for this farewell, but surprisingly no one ended up crying buckets, no one brought excessive amounts of tissue...
Stephie who's going to Rhode Island to further her studies.
Stephie who was my big sis when i first came into yf. (yes.)
Stephie who was the voice and group leader.
Stephie who cried all the tears for us, though we didn't cry any. (why??)
Stephie who was shocked yesterday by all those photos of her, especially the one in the swimsuit.
Stephie who has friends all over the world who care. =) and
Stephie who has God with her as well to take care of her while she's away, far-far away in Rhode Island.
Take care, stephie.
Labels: happenings
,10:25 AM

Grape Champagne and a berry tart at Empire.
Will post more later, going off soon for
Stephie's sending off at the airport.
Labels: random
Thursday, August 16, 2007,8:10 PM
when i have nothing to do these days, i go visit the puppies and take snaps. They've grown bigger since i last posted about them, and they are more rambunctious as well! =)
up and coming, the two puppies i chose for a little photoshoot.

the lighter coloured one is nicknamed 'Biscuit' because when i was thinking of a name my sister found a polvoron wrapper lying about. The darker one has several names, among them "Sugar' and "Hugo."
The next pictures are of Hugo- the little poser.

Next are pictures of Biscuit.

Oh, and i forgot ot mention as well that both hugo and biscuit have their twins, more wrinkled and plump-ish versions of themselves.
Also, a belated post of one of the puppies i took picture of sometime ago. This is a picture of her all grown up. "lassie."
This little doggie belongs to my neighbour, the picture is from sis.---------------Tragic nursery rhymes list:
- Rock-a-bye-baby
- Jack and Jill
- Humpty Dumpty
- Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosey
The tragic bits are unsaid. Try singing and you'll realise how tragic each one is.
idea from nurul. from her post on pan's labyrinthBesides that, did you realise that fairies are actually innocent creatures? There are stories of fairies taking away human babies and leaving their own babies, known as changelings. And, as written in the Artemis Fowl series. Fairies are the bad guys of the stories, the antagonists.
Real fairytales were supposed to be quite gruesome and tragic as well. Remnants of gruesome bits are still around in the fairtytale
Jack the Giant Killer. It's only not that scary because they don't get desciptive on the killings of the giants.
I read an interesting story by neil gaiman in his book 'Smoke and Mirrors. '
(it's available for borrowing in the jis library.) Have you ever wondered why SNOW WHITE was chased out by her stepmother? Her stepmother explains why she did that in the story by neil gaiman. Interesting perspective...
oh, and i recommend neil gaiman's books. imaginative fantasy stories, quite interesting, really.Labels: book, cute animals, thoughts
simpler statements with strong meanings-
Wednesday, August 15, 2007,3:29 PM
This poem was nominated for Best Poem of 2005, written by an African Child:
When I Born, I Black
When I grow up, I Black
When I go in sun, I Black
When I sick, I Black, and
When I die, I still Black
And U White fella,
When u born, u pink
When u grow up, u white
When u go in sun, u red
When u cold, u blue
When u Scared, u yellow
When u sick, u green, and
When u die, u gray
You calling me coloured ???
sometimes the simpest statements give the most impact.
Fight racismtaken from an email from mummyLabels: thoughts
Monday, August 13, 2007,4:40 PM
My laptop is finally here! =) I'm on it now and it runs pretty slowly, slower than mum's dell laptop, but still it's my very own and for me to personalize.
Last weekend was quite a rushed weekend but it was pretty much okay. it was youth sunday and we had to perform a song, "I know where i'm going."
And also, *sniff* stephie is LEAVING! (leaving for Rhode Island, US) Dad asked at the dinner table yesterday , "
where is stephie going to study?" i answered "
rhode island" and he commented that
"many people who go to Rhode Island become POLITICIANS.
" so, stephie, if you decide that you don't want to do law anymore go become a politician. It'll be cool to see you on TV giving a sentaor's speech. =D
PS: And mummy never fails to remind me everyday,
school is starting really soon, and you're getting your GCSE science results pretty soon! From what i heard from a few people, the first day of school is
SCARYLabels: happenings
Computer Complaints
Saturday, August 11, 2007,5:38 PM
Grrr. Today's been a particular
tiring day. I went to the beach this morning till about two in the afternoon, but only when i got home the real
trauma started.
Was really tired, slightly burnt (in a more polite way- "
sunkissed") so i slept and napped for about an hour, then when i got down, snacked on chips then went off to work on stuff- props for the skit and blahh. I decided to download my camera pix of the day because i only have two memory cards completely clogged up with previous events- the baptism, pictures of the kampung chicken at grandma's.... I downloaded one lot of photos from one memory card, then when i tried dowloading stuff from the second one i was greeted with the message of
DISK C is FULL and running critically
low on disk space: aka,
ZERO mb. I had to delete several programs only then everything would get in and properly downloaded.
Once the photos were downloaded,i was in the mood for blogging, planning this would be a lovely
PICTURE POST. The computer defied me once again when my pendrive refused to be detected by the USB port. (i used the usb because no wireless internet on the computer, if not it's really slow) I tried dad's pendrive, thinking there was something wrong with my pendrive, and when it didn't work i tried mum's portable hard disk. Wouldn't detect either, so i tried it on the laptop, which i am on now.
My pendrive works on the laptop. Though i feel like churning a whole lot of forbidden, colourful words at this very moment, i will
try restrain myself. Thus, i will try doing something else that will probably be less frustrating ad more productive then a particular annoying square-box-ish "
automating" machine. I'll post my picture post some other time when i'm feeling a little less
moody or when the computer works or when i cool off...
PS: Mayanne, i don't think i'll be able to pass you the photos tomorrow.
Labels: happenings, thoughts
Special Topics in Calamity Physics- Words"
Thursday, August 9, 2007,11:59 AM
is there some way i can take back all the times you threw awayHere's a song for you to
listen to.
Kate Miller-Heidke, a new Brisbane artist. Trained as an opera singer as well. A very different style she has. The song is titled "
---------------Now for my very first book review. I've recently finished this book entitled "
Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl.

It's not about physics. It's about a girl named Blue van Meer who uncovers secrets of those around her, and in the process has several life-changing experiences.
She finds her teacher, in the beginning of the book hung from an electrical cord. Her former friends, the Bluebloods blame her because they think she killed their teacher due to the fact that she was there.
So the book tells of Blue's story of how she came to know the teacher and the Bluebloods, and her dealings with them and how she came to solve he mystery in the end. Oh, and should i mention her dad was a man prone to having short affairs resulting in her moving from town to town, ending up leaving her with no long-term friendships, making her a lonely person?
The book is rather interesting, the quotations are good (Blue's dad, being a political science professor has a lot of reference books, and Blue uses them to illustrate her thoughts), but the book is really thick- 700 pages! But 700 pages isn't really that long if you enjoy the book! =D
Picture from us.penguingroup.comLabels: book, music
Ms Dewy
Tuesday, August 7, 2007,10:11 PM
I found this on msn, a talking search engine. You need Macromedia Flash Player to watch it first though, but be prepared because she bugs you if you type nothing for ages(like a real human search engine slash dictionary instead of a virtual personality) The link's
Among other odd things i found on this search engine are these.
when i searched for polkadots-
*when i searched ms dewy-
* fashion is spinach? how random.
And another one of the silly things you see out and about on MSN news- under "peculiar postings" on the sidebar.
Pencil removed from woman's headyuck and she survived that for 55 years. Oh well, the world's full of wonders, i haven't really seen all of them yet, have i?
Labels: random
Monday, August 6, 2007,9:36 PM
it's been about four days since i last wrote anything because i haven't found anything of significance to blog about. :)
Let's see, maybe i'll provide links or two?
There are two Shabby Chics.
ShabbyChic- the mall, which is totally different from the other "shabby chic". The one in the mall sells expensive scrapbooking material that i can't easily afford, but anyway i go there once in awhile to look at the nice stuff they have there and the lovely ribbons.
And this is the other
shabby chic. This one is an American based brand founded by
Rachel Ashwell who
restored vintage dresses... (oohhh).
Okay. click-click-click away, visit the links- here ends my belated post.
Labels: shopping
wanderings about town & my 3rd layout
Thursday, August 2, 2007,8:02 PM
I went to Tasek with my parents and sister, one of those occasional in-frequent trips when i feel really unfit. So, i have been sitting in front of the laptop/computer most of the time, folding my legs underneath me which is supposed to be "bad" for me... and with that I induced knee pain so i spent my time round kiulap yesterday climbing stairs painfully. Now i know how it feels like to be an old person with horrible knee pain.
Oh yes, yesterday's trip was really quite fun, minus the back-street wanderings where weirdos await to ambush unsuspecting people. Chefs peeping out from kitchen peepholes, people hiding round corners. As quoted, GET A LIFE. (harsh.) Mayanne and I wandered about looking for interesting places to go, most of the shops having clothes that fit but did not suit our wallets. So we ended up in Coffeezone with a mocktail and a basket of calamari rings. When there's no shopping, eat. =)
That being the exact thing we had in mind, we went up to capers where we ate spinach ravioli and salmon linguine. Yummy. Besides that i tried to take some belated shots when my moody camera decided its batteries were exhausted. So no shots again...
-----------------I've been meaning to post this for some time. A thought. The song
killing me softly with his song sounds like it's about a lady being
paranoid that this guy knows all abut her, but through further thought it seems to say that "
all love stories are the same." Ahha oldies songs again. You might know this already, but i just discovered it. =)
Ohh, and my new layout was inspired by the song "
candyman" sung by
christina aguilera. A really nice song to dance the
boogie to. I was looking for
audrey hepburn but found
marilyn monroe instead. pix's from deviant-art.
Labels: happenings, layout rants, music, shopping, thoughts