Tuesday, July 31, 2007,8:10 PM
I re-pierced the other side of my ear again, today. And gosh it really hurt. I waited for half an hour and was the first patient to go in after the doctor's dinner breaks till seven.
When i went into the doctor's room the doctor put the alcohol and she put the stud into the earring-gun thing and she positioned it on my ear.
Then i began to shake uncontrollably, out of fear, but not intentionally.
She made me keep still, and as i stood still she pressed the gun thing and in went the stud. Then pain shot through my ear as my ear began to feel hot.
Ow. It still hurts now. My poor ear must be traumatized. After all, i'm not one that take pain really easily. It's swollen too, but looking on the bright side, at least i have both sides now!
Okay, I'm off now to blog-hop and look at people's updates. =)
Going to kiulap mall with mayanne tomorrow.
------------------------I got this from Rina, and it makes lots of sense. =)
Girls are like apples on trees.
The best ones are at the top of the tree.
The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they r afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.
So the apples up top think
something's wrong with them when in reality they're amazing.
They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top.
to all the girls who feel unwanted, especially that certain you i know who's feeling unloved. =)
I'm such a lazybum, but i ought to post this to the purdy (pretty in lenny slang) and hawt (hot) girls on my friendster list when i have time. yupp, i'll find time.
Labels: happenings, thoughts
Magenta Paint
Monday, July 30, 2007,10:00 PM
hello everyone =) here's a random link or two for you to visit heh -
*bags-artwent out today with ching and camille. Poor ching had been trying to contact me the entire morning, calling me thru her house number and getting camille to sms me. She called four times on her home number and I didn't answer because i thought it was a wrong number thing- i get that frequently.
I remember the time nurul made this random caller mad. We were on our way to maria's house when this random person called. and it went like this.
Me: hello?
Random person (RP): helo, siapa ni?
me: errr...
Then nurul took the phone from me and pretended to be some old malay woman as well.
RP:siapa ani?
(went on around four times, then nurul took another strategy. She pretended to be this posh lady and began to speak with a british accent)
Nurul: hello. hello. who IS this?
Nurul:Who ARE you? Who are you looking for?
Nurul: Please do not call this number again, this is a wrong number ,understand?
(shuts phone)
Yes, that is how nurul saved the day and got rid of my "stalker". XD
Then I went to ego to meet up but no one was there yet, so i looked around till this shoplady began to get annoyed and wear the buy-something-or-get-out look.I went out and called Camille, and she said ching had ran out of credit (ooh) and couldn't sms to confirm.
By the time they both came it began to drizzle a bit as we set out to look for the SLR cameras. There were only three shops around gadong so we went round to the places with my little red umbrella. This was really fruitless as there were so few SLR cameras about. The only place that provided means of buying an SLR cam was QQEstore (EEQstore, as my mum calls it) but there were no real models to try out.
When we were by the roadside Ching told me to pose with my red umbrella, then when i was walking/posing there was a honk from a car and Camille saw her dad in his car while we were by the roadside :P so embarassing, wandering about like that- and we were lazy to look for zebra-crossings as well...
you can stand under my umbrella-There was a nice olympus camera at one of the photoshops, it look pro-ish and when you pressed a little button its flash thingy would pop out. It was apparently a digital cam, not an slr but later mum said there are digital SLRs. But anyway the megapixel value was low... (7.1 mp) and the shop people were really blur.
Then we went back to the mall and walked around then went to chill for fries. The guy there must have thought we were nuts when we asked him if we could try all the flavours. It was yummy, though. =)
After that we went to the arcade and watched pros play DDR. =) Then went to centrepoint to wait for ching's mum.
Went to dancing class later to burn of a week's worth of stores. Too much snack around and no exercise. =D Off to sleep now. Going to pierce my ear again tomorrow, the side that closed up. Any idea how long i have been going around with one earring only? Better get it over and done with so i can wear nice earrings. =D
Labels: funnies, happenings, holidays, shopping
Sunday, July 29, 2007,9:39 PM
Currently reading a book I borrowed from Weng Jin. Slept over at her place on Saturday and slept at three. Spent time teasing Jo-Yee, our
grandma with seven cats and 20 grandchildren and two hundred kids. (yes, how does she manage?) We both found that Jo Yee says the weirdest things when she is sleepy... and that she is actually a
vampire by night. (not!) In daylight she turns into a wrinkly old grandma.
Nope, not much of anime business last night, we spent our time discussing Vampire Knight and Shiki and Maria Kurenai aka Shizuka(sp?) and Zero and twin. She has the chinese version. Reminds me I must pop by
Kinokuniya is I ever do get the chance! =D
Back to the book, and more art!
The Mammoth Book of Best New Manga edited by Ilya. No, it's not big-eyed anime or astro-boy or sailormoon stuff, these people actually win awards for their work. Take a look at these- from the following artists whose styles i like:
Michiru Morikawa
A man who finds his inner child.
here. Previous picture from bbc.co.uk.
Kate Brown
Image above from this artist's site.
hereWarning, this artist draws macabre drawings...but the style is good. =)
Sofia FalkenhemBrush Strokes-
Asa Ekstrom
Note the style, especially Sofia Flakenhem's and Michiru Morikawa's =)
I've spent the whole weekend feeling like I had a birthday. Thanks for the small gifts Mayanne and Jane Ching and Aunty Karen! =D
Okay, off to sleep.
Labels: art, happenings
Nikon D2X
Saturday, July 28, 2007,11:48 AM
This post is especially for ching, on SLR cameras. Take a look at this model.

Relatively small with a screen at the back.
- 12.4 megapixels
- was released in june 2006
- High-speed continuous shooting: 5 frames per second (fps)
2Labels: shopping
Friday, July 27, 2007,9:25 PM
It's been a really rainy friday again, i stepped into a puddle and in the process wet my polkadot shoes! =(
The morning was fine. Popped by school and sorted out some stuff. Then I went to my grandma's for lunch and met my little cousin. Here's her posing in with a korean drama going "peekaboo!"

cute, right? she has a phobia of tiny black ants. she tried to squish a few with a pillow, and later with a tissue. She's hyper; she chased my sister around with a fly swatter, she wanted to kill every single black ant she saw!

And here's the only place in town where you'll see this sort of thing happening.

I don't know why but I just feel that I should post some jokes to brighten this post up a little more.
This is from my sister.
A typical day in class. Teacher walks in.
Tch:Class, "jip"(zip) your mouth! You are veli noisee!
Student: Teacher our mouth no jip.
Tch: Use your common sense lahh!
Student: Common sense not in our five senses, teacher!
& there was a case of this four unemployed idiots. (from channy)
Four unemployed idiots decided to start a car repair business. On their first day, they advertised a lot but there were no customers. Why?
They had their shop on the first floor, not on the ground floor.
Then they sold off their business because they weren't earning anything. They bought a taxi but still had no customrers. Why?
They all sat in the taxi and there was no space for customers.
So their car broke down at the foot of a hill. (major uh-oh there) The four idiots tried to push their car but it didn't move. Why?
Two were pushing it back, and two were pushing it forward!
----------I guess that end my post for now. Enjoy the pictures and the silly jokes! =)
Labels: funnies, happenings
Second Layout
Thursday, July 26, 2007,9:12 PM
I'm now on my second layout! Did it out of boredom. My first one will be in my archive on store for a rainy day sometime in the future, when I need a change.
Why snowflakes and scratches? Honestly, I don't know, probably because the snowflake brush was lovely and grunge-ish. If not you'd be seeing dandelions again.
Change is good, as in the book, “Who Moved My Cheese.”
Have you read it? I have. One cute book you should read. No heavy reading in this book. It's really thin.
You're probably wondering how I am online, people who I've told about my e-speed problem. Yupp, I’m online, not on Brunet, but on B-mobile. These things all have a penchant for being slow. Internet in Australia is lots faster.
It's been raining lots lately, and my two dogs are now perpetually dirty. And now that my maid is away, I've got to bathe them along with the new maid. She's actually gotten over her phobia of them. What phobia? My doggies bark deafeningly loud. That sums it up and explains it all. Despite that they don't bite, they're not direct descendants of wolves. =)
I'm wishing I were on holiday now. There's really not much to do at home except photoshop and take photos, and look at my books for next August. I'm trying hard to be
thankful that though now I don't get to go anywhere, I get to go to Aus at the end of this year. *sigh*
'Tis hard, really.
Labels: holidays, layout rants
Suckin' too Hard on Your Lollipop, Oh Love's Gonna Get You Down
Wednesday, July 25, 2007,5:10 PM
Mika- Lollipop
Too much candy gonna rot your soul.On Monday I missed dancing class. There was a heavy downpour and the backdoor immediately started dripping waterfalls of water. The rain was really heavy, the wind really strong, so strong that the windchimes on the backdoor started chiming-
Went out the door to be confronted at the junction by two fallen trees. Several cars came up the hill and were stopped by these two trees. So mum signalled for people to turn into our junction, but some just went over the trees. Then the water started flowing down the hill really quickly, then the tree began to move slowly down the hill towards a lady-driver in her white Lexus. Scary. So my mum backed her car and let the lady in. Fortunately nothing happened there....
In the afternoon Dad took me through the Jalan Tutong road to show the aftermath of the little typhoon. Trees were all over the Ripas side, some decorations for the Sultan's birthday had fallen. The Kiulap centerpiece thing in the middle of the roundabout came apart. Nothing there anymore.
I have photos =) I'll show you guys another time. It's raining heavily again outside, obviously since it's monsoon season...
--------So, what have I done so far for the past few days?
I tried to conduct a little photo-shoot just now. Pathetic, using self timer. They're the last two on my deviantart account.
Besides that, i helped Ching with her layout. Please take a look, I'm happy how it turned out =) She made the lovely banner herself.
Labels: happenings, layout rants
Monday, July 23, 2007,5:25 PM
Specifically, cute, children's storybook art.
Kasia's Creations.Remember the cute illustrations on children's bedtime stories, or maybe rhyme books? That's the specific style this artist has. How would I describe it? Not entirely cute but still rather intricate, flowery but not too much, and very girly.

Seems rather minimalist in some ways. Not too much colour, no heavy duty oil paints. (ugh, oil paints-- the turps!)

This one seems messier, more cluttered, but the style still looks great. A stylish clutter. =D
Hold on. This looks familiar. Take a look at the cover of this book by Camilla Morton. "How To Walk in High Heels-a girl's guide to everything."

Now illustration art on canvas- roses.

Three shabby roses, paint, pencil crayon and pencil. Lovely sunset-ish background.
(note: all these images so far are from kasia's creations.uk)
Wish I could draw like that. I think in the old days people used to prefer drawing realistically and drawing how everything really looked like, but these days, that is replaced with the used of flashing machines (aka cameras) That leaves us free to do other forms of art. Namely digital art with the use of fractals which I still don't know how to use.
-------------Labels: art
Harry Potter and Hairspray
,2:48 PM
The last Harry Potter book came out recently admist all the rumours of who's going to die. (will he die? *big gasp*)
And Harry Potter has come a long way himself, killing him off would make a horrible ending, but I must say that JK Rowling did manage to twist the story a little and end up with a very-much alive Harry. =)
Now, on the question of who he marries.

Nope. No Cho Chang in the picture.
Ahha you'll have to read the book though. But amazingly, sites like Wikipedia have already updated the Harry Potter pages providing spoilers.
Moving on---
Another movie to watch out for,

Tracy Turnblad manages to look sweet. Love the 60's vibe, all the bright colors and the groovy music hehe. =)
Labels: movies
the picture says it all
Thursday, July 19, 2007,11:24 AM
Rainforest Gallery- D's Accessories
,10:52 AM
Good morning again. =) The e-speed was down so I had to use the brunet dial-up, which was painfully slow compared to e-speed, which i am now used to, so I didn't get to update much yesterday. Today I'll introduce you to a accessories shop.
This shop sells all sorts of accessories- the big chunky sort, chains, bracelets and necklaces, all chosen by the owner of this establishment from Hongkong and with some handmade pieces from the Ibans and Cambodia, and some pendants made by artists from Taiwan. Here are some pictures...

Youngish bracelets.

Semicircle Earrings

An ordinary white bead bracelet enhanced with golden hoops round it.

A very different necklace.

Mosaic bracelets

Stuff made by the Ibans

Earrings- there were peacock earrings here

Bright, big earrings

Even a heart locket! =)

A closer look. You can put stuff into it- really neat. It's held together by a magnet.
So, where is this shop?

All the contact details are above. =) Photoshopped advertisement by me. Now, will you go take a look? Do not enter without at least 20 dollars in hand- you'll probably leave with more than one article of jewellery at hand. =)
Labels: shopping
Tuesday, July 17, 2007,8:45 PM
Here I am again. Tomorrow there are relatives coming over... so the whole house is running berserk. Mum's even cleaning the bottom of the piano, like anyone would look there... and she found an empty box of strepsils...
Here's several songs I'll leave you with.
Teddy Geiger
Madeleine Peyroux
Leigh Nash
Paolo NutiniDo no criticize me on my weird music taste. =) I like oldies too.
New Shoes- Paolo Nutini Hey, I put some new shoes on,
and suddenly everything is right,
I said, hey,
I put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling,
it so inviting,
Oh, short on money, but long on time,
slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
and i'm running late, and i dont need an excuse,
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes
Take me wondering through these streets,
where bright lights and angels meet,
stone to stone they take me on,
im walking to the break of dawn

Labels: mum, music
Picture Post #1-
,12:14 PM
Now for my very first picture post. =)
Several pictures I took over this week and last week.
My doggy(s), first of all.

He really looks like one of those calendar dogs. This is Marky.
Next is Cavin, so hyper that I can hardly get great pictures of him.

A fluffy puppy some a female stray gave birth to in my neighbourhood. Up for adoption, there are seven of them. =) (in colours of black, white, brown)

The caption here should read,
"Will you give me a nice home?"
A little fluffy bum.

This one is my favourite. A natural poser and really lively.
I have two more pictures of him
here, and
Thus ends my first picture post. =) Will take more pictures of the other puppies.
Labels: cute animals
,10:49 AM
There's something wrong with my layout, one of the posts is floating on top. Yesterday I got a comment that my layout was funny- sure enough, something had gone wrong. I'd appreciate it if you told me when the layout didn't look right on my blog- then I'll be able to debug it.
Labels: layout rants
Then it Snapped...
,10:33 AM
Me and my mum had some mother-daughter time at the mall yesterday. It was quite fun, but both of us had different agendas. Mine for clothes, hers for shoes.
She ended up dragging me to look for new shoes for school. First we went to Pretty Fit, then Cartino Sonea.
Pretty Fit has seriously nice shoes, but has less choice- Cartino Sonea for girls only shoes.
What's in fashion now, for shoes? In my opinion, these are the ones-(based on what i saw)
- wedges
- ballet flats
And in what style?
- Stretchy ballet flats-
& it's all about comfiness.
Awhile back I had a nice friend who told me I had good shoes taste =) hehe
But here comes something really embarassing...
I tried on a nice shoes with a stretchy band at the back- then I put my shoes in and stretched the band back, and it snapped!
In shock I called the saleslady over, she picked it up while I stood up and stared. She went over to her boss and asked "Kenapa?" (Why?) and the boss snapped. "Jangan soal kenapa" (don't ask why) then i was going to ask if i had to pay or not, but the saleslady went to the back of the shop and vanished from view....
Cuz usually when you break stuff, you have to pay, right? Surprisingly I didn't have to, but I think I'm on the lady's blacklist.... =S
Okay, that's all. Products of yesterday's shopping trip- 2 pairs of new shoes! =)
Labels: mum, shopping
Christine, don't forget to put on your Happy Slip!
Monday, July 16, 2007,12:50 PM
I've edited my blogger layout. As you can see, now you can comment =) cracked my skull entire morning trying to figure it out. Okay. Going offline now, but I'll leave you with a youtube video from
Here (Because it refused to get smaller and fit the margin)
I think she's a phillipino american. Her "mom" sounds Phillipino, really.
Labels: youtube
,12:15 PM
Aww have you seen anything this cute? =) Newest in the unusual puppy category: Heart-Kun, a puppy born with a heart-shaped patch on its fur.
A long-coated male chihuahua named "Heart-kun" with a heart-shaped pattern on his coat was born in Odate, northern Japan.
The chihuahua was born on May 18, 2007 as one of a litter.
The shop owner Emiko Sakurada said that this is the first time a puppy
with these marks has been born out of a 1,000 that she has bred. She also said that she has no plans to sell the puppy.
This puppy, I Love. =) but my doggies would probably get so jealous.

Labels: cute animals
Gah you ICT People (Nurul)
,12:11 PM
Mooorrrninnggg. It's nice waking up and seeing comments on your cbox. Big thanks to Camille, Ching and Nurul- the first commentors. You guys make me feel warm and toasty inside. =)
Today i shall tell you the extent of my searches for my own domain.
Youu know what? These days hardly anything is FREE. Searching through the internet, you find blah-blah-blah free&easy registration but-you-have-to-pay but it's okay cuz its-a-really-small-amount-five-us-dollars.
grr. the silly exchange rates. Then after that i searched for hosts- Brunet? brunei, local-based? Maybe it'd be better...but then i searched and found you need to own a brunet account, and I'm too lazy to create one. You have no idea how many
places i registered at. iTopsites, supersized.org, .tk, .cn, blogger, wordpress... (Nurul, if you're reading this, our shared blog is on wordpress.)
Then I downloaded Wordpress 2.2. Big shock, no html, only php... and i can't read php! Year 9 ICT obviously doesn't cover any of this....*sigh* so I went back to blogger, so here I am.
Blogspot will be my temporary home for now, until i can find a host. I miss school...
Labels: holidays